完整简单写法(key的值也是一个json):select * from A where JSON_CONTAINS(@json,'1','$.keyname') //筛选出json对象keyname这个key值包含1的记录 不带path的写法(第一个参数已经是想比对的json)select JSON_CONTAINS(A.xx,'1') //根据A表xx字段(json值)是否包含1返回1或0 结合JSON_ARRAY的写法,如下...
select * from member where json_contains(json_array(21,31,41,51), json_array(age)); 这种用法的结果和in是一样的,也跟前面我们讲json_array一样,区别在于一个是数据库本身就是array,另外一个是我们自己创建 json_contains_path 这个函数用来判断是否有键名的,我的看法是这个函数基本用不到,数据库结果基...
Mysql 中 JSON_CONTAINS、JSON_ARRAY 的使用 2018-11-10 19:03 −... cearnach 0 9423 mysql存储json 2019-12-13 20:15 −1. json_merge 合并Json并返回 update `user` set inviteeMap = json_merge(inviteeMap, '{"xx1":100}') where `account` = '100089'; 2.插... ...
JsonArray.IList.cs Determines whether an element is in theJsonArray. C#复制 publicboolContains(System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonNode? item); Parameters item JsonNode The object to locate in theJsonArray. Returns Boolean trueifitemis found in theJsonArray; otherwise,false. ...
Namespace: System.Json Assembly: System.Json.dll Package: System.Json v4.8.0 Source: JsonArray.cs Determines whether the ICollection<T> contains a specific value. C# Copy public bool Contains (System.Json.JsonValue item); Parameters item JsonValue The object to locate in the ...
Oracle Json Array Contains 返回 SqlSugar 老数据 4 498 君莫忧 发布于2023/3/8 悬赏:0 飞吻 public class WorkOrder { /// /// 工单编号 /// [SugarColumn(ColumnDescription = "工单编号", IsPrimaryKey = true, Length = 36)] public string Id { get; set; } /// /// 执行人 /// ...
(50) array))) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=500169 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT='学员信息表'; INSERT INTO `community_student_info_test` (`id`, `tag_bin_json`) VALUES ('1', '[\"activity_user_1_year_use_app\", \"expire_users\", \"free_regist\...
Hello, I found a weird issue when using GROM datatypes.JSONArrayQuery.Contains to access in-memory go-mysql-server, please see the below example or check my repo I test 3 statements, their SQL query is the same, but only 1 works as expec...
You may use json_exists with predicate on array elements: SQL> with sample as ( 2 select 1 as id, to_clob('{ 3 "name" : "Rahul", 4 "address" : [ {"street" : "100"}, {"street" : "200"}] 5 }') as val from dual 6 union all 7 select 2 as id, ...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ResourceMover.Runtime.Json.XNodeArray.Contains in the Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ResourceMover.Runtime.Json namespace.