public string Checker { get; set; } } public class WordRow { public string word { get; set; } public string row { get; set; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string jsonString = "{\"log_id\":119047692893297896,\"direction\":0,\"words_result_num\":30,\"...
;//javascript序列化器JavaScriptSerializer jss=newJavaScriptSerializer();//序列化学生集合对象得到json字符string studentsJson=jss.Serialize(studentSet);//将字符串响应到客户端context.Response.Write(studentsJson);context.Response.End();}publicbool IsReusable{get{returnfalse;}}} Select方法重新投影对象集合将Bir...
string studentsJson = jss.Serialize(studentSet); //将字符串响应到客户端 context.Response.Write(studentsJson); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 这个方法的意思就是,在我们正常将集合对象序列化为json格式前将这个集合对象用linq...
2.JSON_checker. 3.Jayrock. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web; using LitJson; namespace JsonDate2 { using System.Linq;/// /// 学生类,测试用/// publicclassStudent {/// /// 姓名/// publicString Name { get; set; }/// /// 生日/// publicDateTime Birth...
/* JSON_checker.h */ typedef struct JSON_checker_struct { int valid; int state; int depth; int top; int* stack; } * JSON_checker; extern JSON_checker new_JSON_checker(int depth); extern int JSON_checker_char(JSON_checker jc, int next_char); extern int JSON_checker_done(JSON_checke...
This tool is also a JSON checker and validator: You can check JSON online without any click. When you fill out the editor, your JSON data is automatically verified, and a message tells you whether your JSON is valid or not. You can also minify your JSON (The opposite of pretty JSON, ...
...想到能否在解析前先进行格式校验,通过后再解析,查找资料,网上有现成源码,网址: 主要用到两个文件JSON_checker.c和JSON_checker.h...(json_src_string, json_chk_string); nRtn = json_checker(json_chk_string); if (0 == nRtn) { printf("...(json_src_...
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: 888999 is not of type 'string'"""# 模式中身份证为字符串,这里传数字self.org_instance["child_id"][0]=888999self.validate_case()deftest_uniqueItems(self):"""列表元素唯一性检查-子女身份证 jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: ['66666666', '66666666'] has non...
Expecting'STRING','NUMBER','NULL','TRUE','FALSE','{','['- You probably have an extra comma at the end of your list. Something like:["a", "b", ] Enclosing your collection keys in quotes. Proper format for a collection is{ "key": "value" } ...
String validation in particular is greatly improved. Improved error messages. Added goto error ability. Added ability to accept JSONP. Check out this example. Added ability to pass JSON URL in URL as hash. Check out this example. Added a bookmarklet. Added a button to copy results to ...