String literals must be enclosed by single or double quotes ([?(@.color == 'blue')] or [?(@.color == "blue")]). OperatorDescription == left is equal to right (note that 1 is not equal to '1') != left is not equal to right < left is less than right <= left is less ...
If you use the JSON_OBJECT() function when performing the insert and this mode is set, you must alternate single and double quotes, like this: mysql> INSERT INTO facts VALUES > (JSON_OBJECT('mascot', 'Our mascot is a dolphin named "Sakila".')); See the description of the JSON_...
-d, --double Use double quotes"instead of single quotes'as required by some style guides. -b, --backtick Use backticks`instead of single'or double"quotes as required by some style guides. -e, --esm, --es6 Use ECMAScript module export statement syntaxexport constinstead ofmodule.exportsi...
Single and multi-line comments are allowed. White Space Additional white space characters are allowed. Example Kitchen-sink example: {// commentsunquoted:'and you can quote me on that',singleQuotes:'I can use "double quotes" here',lineBreaks:"Look, Mom! \No \\n's!",hexadecimal:0xdecaf,...
If you use the JSON_OBJECT() function when performing the insert and this mode is set, you must alternate single and double quotes, like this: mysql> INSERT INTO facts VALUES > (JSON_OBJECT('mascot', 'Our mascot is a dolphin named "Sakila".')); See the description of the JSON_...
Strings may be quoted with ' (single quote).Strings do not need to be quoted at all if they do not begin with a quote or single quote, and if they do not contain leading or trailing spaces, and if they do not contain any of these characters: { } [ ] / \ : , = ; # and ...
During deserialization, Newtonsoft.Json accepts property names surrounded by double quotes, single quotes, or without quotes. It accepts string values surrounded by double quotes or single quotes. For example, Newtonsoft.Json accepts the following JSON:...
Strings do not need to be quoted at all if they do not begin with a quote or single quote, and if they do not contain leading or trailing spaces, and if they do not contain any of these characters: { } [ ] / \ : , # and if they do not look like numbers and if they ...
自2.10 版本后,使用JsonReadFeature#ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES代替 是否允许属性名支持单引号,也就是使用''包裹,形如这样: { 'age' : 18 } 1. 2. 3. ALLOWUNQUOTEDCONTROL_CHARS(false) 自2.10 版本后,使用JsonReadFeature#ALLOW_UNESCAPED_CONTROL_CHARS代替 ...
Single and multi-line comments are allowed. White Space Additional white space characters are allowed. Example Kitchen-sink example: {// commentsunquoted:'and you can quote me on that',singleQuotes:'I can use "double quotes" here',lineBreaks:"Look, Mom! \No \\n's!",hexadecimal:0xdecaf,...