我们可以通过JSONArray类的构造函数来创建一个空的JSON数组,然后使用add方法将Set中的元素添加到JSON数组中。下面是一个示例代码: importorg.json.JSONArray;importjava.util.Set;publicclassSetToJSONArray{publicstaticJSONArraysetToJSONArray(Set<String>set){JSONArrayjsonArray=newJSONArray();for(Strings:set){js...
set1 = new Set(["name1","name2","name3"]); var set2 = new Set(["name1","name3","name5"]); //并集 let union = new Set([...set1, ...set2]); //交集 let intersect = new Set([...set1].filter( x => set2.has(x))); //差集 let difference = new Set([...set...
[Ok := ]JsonArray.Set(Index:Integer, Result:Byte) Parameters JsonArray Type:JsonArray An instance of theJsonArraydata type. Index Type:Integer Result Type:Byte Return Value [Optional] Ok Type:Boolean trueif the read was successful; otherwise,false....
json_array_append 末尾添加数组元素,如果原有值是数值或json对 象,则转成数组后,再添加元素 json_array_insert 插入数组元素 json_insert 插入值(插入新值,但不替换已经存在的旧值) json_merge 合并json数组或对象 json_remove 删除json数据 json_replace 替换值(只替换已经存在的旧值) json_set 设置值(替换旧...
Returns the Array number, zero otherwise. Example If CreateJSON(0) ArrayValue = SetJSONArray(JSONValue(0)) SetJSONString(AddJSONElement(ArrayValue), "hello") SetJSONString(AddJSONElement(ArrayValue), "world") Debug ComposeJSON(0) EndIf See...
[Ok := ]JsonArray.Set(Index:Integer, Result:JsonObject) Parameters JsonArray Type:JsonArray An instance of theJsonArraydata type. Index Type:Integer Result Type:JsonObject Return Value [Optional] Ok Type:Boolean trueif the read was successful;...
json_array_insert 插入数组元素 json_insert 插入值(插入新值,但不替换已经存在的旧值) json_merge 合并json数组或对象 json_remove 删除json数据 json_replace 替换值(只替换已经存在的旧值) json_set 设置值(替换旧值,并插入不存在的新值) json_unquote 去除json字符串的引号,将值转成string类型 ...
This increases the array's length by one. 加入元素,数组长度+1,等同于 add(Object) Parameters: value - 值,可以是: Boolean, Double, Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, Long, or String, or the JSONNull.NULL。 Returns: this. See Also: set(Object) set public JSONArray set(Object value) ...
Type:JsonArray An instance of theJsonArraydata type. Index Type:Integer Result Type:JsonToken Return Value [Optional] Ok Type:Boolean trueif the read was successful; otherwise,false. If you omit this optional return value and the operation d...
JSON_SET JSON_SET(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] …) 修改json_field数据中的指定path的值,存在修改,不存在插入 JSON_ARRAY_APPEND JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] …) 给指定的节点,添加元素,如果节点不是数组,则先转换成[doc] ...