then use `json2ts`npm install json-schema-to-typescript --global# or install to npm cache, then use `npx --package=json-schema-to-typescript json2ts`# (you don't need to run an install command first)
{"title":"Example Schema","type":"object","properties": {"firstName": {"type":"string"},"lastName": {"type":"string"},"age": {"description":"Age in years","type":"integer","minimum":0},"hairColor": {"enum": ["black","brown","blue"],"type":"string"} },"additionalProper...
*/ static const char *parse_value(cJSON *item,const char *value) { if (!value) return 0; /* Fail on null. */ //三种特定的数据类型,直接赋值item->type,并返回之后的数据。 if (!strncmp(value,"null",4)) { item->type=cJSON_NULL; return value+4; } if (!strncmp(value,"false",...
概念: JSON Schema对象:JSON Schema是一个描述JSON数据结构的规范,它定义了JSON对象的属性、类型、格式、约束条件等信息。 Typescript类型:Typescript是一种静态类型的编程语言,它可以在编译时检查类型错误,提供更好的代码可读性和维护性。 分类: JSON Schema对象转换为Typescript类型可以分为手动转换和自动转换两种...
json-schema-to-typescript/src/optimizer.ts Version: 1.6 kBPlain TextView Raw 1 import stringify = require('json-stringify-safe') 2 import {uniqBy} from 'lodash' 3 import {AST, T_ANY, T_UNKNOWN} from './types/AST' 4 import {log} from './utils' ...
export interface ExampleSchema { firstName: string; lastName: string; /** * Age in years */ age?: number; hairColor?: "black" | "brown" | "blue"; }Installationnpm install json-schema-to-typescriptUsagejson-schema-to-typescript is easy to use via the CLI, or programmatically....
Compile json schema to typescript typings Example Input: {"title":"Example Schema","type":"object","properties": {"firstName": {"type":"string"},"lastName": {"type":"string"},"age": {"description":"Age in years","type":"integer","minimum":0},"hairColor": {"enum": ["black"...
b7737b7 Bugfix: Improve generated type & interface names to take input casing into account (#159) 5.7.0 f1f4030 Feat: AddtsTypeschema extension to allow custom TypeScript types (#168) 8599262 Feat: Add support for passing custom options when resolving$refs (#180) ...
JSON Schema本身是根据规范编写的规则,其校验依赖于各种编程语言的实现。比如,Javascript的json schema校验可以使用Ajv工具,支持浏览器端以及Node端,基本流程如下 引入ajv包 new一个Ajv实例 compile一个validate校验器 使用校验器进行校验 // or ESM/TypeScript importimportAjvfrom"ajv"// Node.js require:constAjv =...
JSON schema for the TypeScript compiler's configuration file 项目中遇到错误JSON schema for the TypeScript compiler's configuration file,在这里记录一下解决方法。 具体报错文件 解决方法 "compilerOptions": {"outDir": "./", },"exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"],...