then use `json2ts`npm install json-schema-to-typescript --global# or install to npm cache, then use `npx --package=json-schema-to-typescript json2ts`# (you don't need to run an install command first)
then use `json2ts`npm install json-schema-to-typescript --global#or install to npm cache, then use `npx --package=json-schema-to-typescript json2ts`#(you don't need to run an install command first)
将JSON Schema对象转换为Typescript类型可以通过使用一些工具和库来实现。以下是一个完善且全面的答案: 概念: JSON Schema对象:JSON Schema是一个描述JSON数据结构的规范,它定义了JSON对象的属性、类型、格式、约束条件等信息。 Typescript类型:Typescript是一种静态类型的编程语言,它可以在编译时检查类型错误,提供更...
constplugin:FastifyPluginAsyncJsonSchemaToTs=asyncfunction(fastify,_opts){fastify.get("/",{schema:{body:{type:"object",properties:{x:{type:"string"},y:{type:"number"},z:{type:"boolean"},},required:["x","y","z"],}asconst,},},(req)=>{/// The `x`, `y`, and `z` types are...
The FromSchema method lets you infer TS types directly from JSON schemas: import { FromSchema } from "json-schema-to-ts"; const dogSchema = { type: "object", properties: { name: { type: "string" }, age: { type: "integer" }, hobbies: { type: "array", items: { type: "string...
tsEnumNames: Overrides the names used for the elements in an enum. Can also be used to create string enums (eg). Not expressible in TypeScript: FAQ JSON-Schema-to-TypeScript is crashing on my giant file. What can I do? Prettier is known to run slowly on really big files. To skip...
If you don't mind impacting the compiled code, you can use the asConst util, which simply returns the schema while narrowing its inferred type.import { asConst } from "json-schema-to-ts"; const dogSchema = asConst({ type: "object", ... }); type Dog = FromSchema<typeof dogSchema...
添加jackson依赖: // ...
const schema: JSONSchemaMyType = { type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'object', properties: { id: { type: 'number', enum: [1, 2], errorMessage: { type: 'id数据类型错误' } } }, required: ['id'], errorMessage: { ...
本文将介绍通用的数据校验方式JSON Schema及其基本规则,如何使用Javascript/Typescript进行校验,以及如何将Typescript文件导出为JSON Schema。 数据校验 数据校验是日常开发中的常见需求。在客户端进行数据校验可以有更好的交互体验,给予更清晰的反馈文案,并且提前预警,节省服务器端资源。而在服务器端,数据校验通常作为必备流...