Ollama 近日就此问题推出重要更新(0.5.0+),引入与OpenAI一样的结构化输出(Structured Outputs)功能,让开发者能够通过 JSON schema 精确定义和约束模型输出格式。该功能已在 Ollama 的 Python 和 JavaScript 库中得到全面支持。 1. 主要更新及支持实现 本次更新的核心亮点包括: 基于JSON schema 的输出格式控制 支持...
This JSON schema tutorial will walk through the basics of setting JSON schema standards and using schema for validation in MongoDB Atlas and MongoDB Compass.
注意在JSON Schema Draft 4中exclusiveMinimum 和exclusiveMaximum的工作方式并不相同,它们表示一个boolean值,用于判断是否排除minimum 和maximum值 if exclusiveMinimum is false, x ≥ minimum. if exclusiveMinimum is true, x > minimum. object objects是JSON中的mapping类型,即将"keys"映射到"values","keys"必须...
So, this example JSON Schema: {"type":"object","properties": {"myArrayProperty": {"type":"array","items": {"type":"string"} } } } produces a property called myArrayProperty of typeList<String>in the generated Java type. If items itself declares a complex type ("type" : "object...
"anotherSchema": { "title": "alsoNested" } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 在这个例子中”nested” and “alsoNested” 都是子模式,”root” 是根模式。 3.5. JSON Schema支持的原始类型 JSON Schema定义了7种原始类型: array
Understanding JSON Schema json schema 在线校验器 译自:Understanding JSON Schema 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"type":"object","properties":{"first_name":{"type":"string"},"last_name":{"type":"string"},"birthday":{"type":"string","format":"date"},"address":{"type":"object","properties"...
// create a JSON value json j = R"({"compact": true, "schema": 0})"_json; // serialize to BSON std::vector<std::uint8_t> v_bson = json::to_bson(j); // 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x70, 0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x73,...
label 图像中的类/标签列表Required, List of Strings ["cat","dog"]多标签图像分类的 JSONL 文件示例:JSON 复制 {"image_url": "azureml://subscriptions/my-subscription-id/resourcegroups/my-resource-group/workspaces/my-workspace/datastores/my-datastore/paths/image_data/Image_01.jpg", "image_detai...
composer: A Composer repository is a packages.json file served via the network (HTTP, FTP, SSH), that contains a list of composer.json objects with additional dist and/or source information. The packages.json file is loaded using a PHP stream. You can set extra options on that stream ...