加JsonSanitizer.sanitize() 进行校验(这个校验貌似可以解决很多Json相关的Fortify Issue); <dependency><groupId>com.mikesamuel</groupId><artifactId>json-sanitizer</artifactId><version>1.0</version></dependency> ---Issue 描述--- 摘要 该方法将未经验证的输入...
1、JsonSanitizer.sanitize(中文含义:杀毒) 三、fastJson使用 参考:http://kimmking.github.io/2017/06/06/json-best-practice/ 核心方法 1. JSON.parseObject(jsonStr, xxx.class) :将字符串转成Java类对象 2. JSON.parseObject(jsonStr): 得到JSONObject,后续可使用getString(字段名)/getInteger(字段名)/getJ...
在上面的代码中,YourObject 是你定义的一个 Java 类,用于表示 JSON 数据的结构。 总结 通过以上步骤,你已经学会了如何使用 JsonSanitizer 在 Android 应用中安全地处理 JSON 数据。首先,你需要导入 JsonSanitizer 库,然后获取原始的 JSON 字符串。接下来,使用 JsonSanitizer 处理 JSON 字符串,最后将处理后的 JSON ...
在上述代码中,首先建立一个 JSON 对象,然后依次添加字符串,整数,布尔值以及数组,最后将其打印为字符...
Given JSON-like content, The JSON Sanitizer converts it to valid JSON. - json-sanitizer/docs/getting_started.md at master · OWASP/json-sanitizer
The sanitizer fixes missing punctuation, end quotes, and mismatched or missing close brackets. If an input contains only white-space then the valid JSON stringnullis substituted. The output is well-formed JSON as defined byRFC 4627. The output satisfies these additional properties: ...
* `-DENABLE_SANITIZERS=On`: Compile cJSON with [AddressSanitizer](https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer) and [UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer](https ://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html) enabled (if possible). (off by default) ...
Fix clang sanitizer invocation #1728 (t-b) Add gcc 9 and compile with experimental C++20 support #1724 (t-b) Fix int64 min issue #1722 (t-b) release: add singleinclude and meson.build to include.zip #1694 (eli-schwartz)v3.7.0 (2019-07-28)Full...
Fix clang sanitizer invocation #1728 (t-b) Add gcc 9 and compile with experimental C++20 support #1724 (t-b) Fix int64 min issue #1722 (t-b) release: add singleinclude and meson.build to include.zip #1694 (eli-schwartz)v3.7.0 (2019-07-28)Full...