importorg.json.JSONObject;publicclassJsonErrorExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringjsonString="{ \"age\":\"30\" }";// age 是字符串类型JSONObjectjsonObject=newJSONObject(jsonString);// 此处会抛出 JSONExceptiontry{intage=jsonObject.getInt("age");System.out.println("Age: "+age);...
Int32 属性 RegisterAttribute 例外 JSONException 如果映射不存在或无法强制映射到 int, 注解 返回映射name的值(如果存在且是 int 或可强制映射到 int)或引发其他值。 适用于 . 的org.json.JSONObject.getInt(java.lang.String)Java 文档 本页的某些部分是根据 Android 开放源代码项目创建和共享的工作进行的修改,...
System.out.println(newObject); System.out.println(newObject.getInteger("app")); } } 定义了一个app的正常值,通过getInteger函数获取,果然返回了1: 1 2 {"app":16026481486462977} 1 继续查看这个函数的方法: publicInteger getInteger(String key) { Object value=get(key);returncastToInt(value); } 发...
1,错误用法一: if (name == "") { //do something } 2,错误...
if the mapping doesn't exist or cannot be coerced to an int. Remarks Returns the value mapped by name if it exists and is an int or can be coerced to an int, or throws otherwise. Java documentation for org.json.JSONObject.getInt(java.lang.String). Portions of this page are...
at net.sf.json.JSONObject.getString( at basicUtils.JSONUtil.main( 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 因为:在JSONObjecy的key存在值得时候,两者是没有什么区别的,然后如果key对应的value为null,那么getString方法就会报错。
Returns the value mapped bynameif it exists and is an int or can be coerced to an int, or throws otherwise. Java documentation fororg.json.JSONObject.getInt(java.lang.String). Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by theAndroid Open Source Projectand used...
Returns the value mapped bynameif it exists and is an int or can be coerced to an int, or throws otherwise. Java documentation fororg.json.JSONObject.getInt(java.lang.String). Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by theAndroid Open Source Projectand used...
1:JSONObject构造函数 构造一个对象 2:getJSONObject 获取指定名称的JSONObject对象 3:getString 获取指定名称的字符串 4:getInt 获取指定名称的整型数 5:getJSONArray 获取指定名称的JSONArray数组对象 JSONArray常用方法如下 1:length 获取数组长度 2:getJSONObject 获取数字在指定位置的对象 ...