不同的编程语言中,它被理解为对象(object)、记录(record)、结构(struct)、字典(dictionary)、哈希表(hash table)、有键列表(keyed list),或者关联数组 (associative array) 值的有序列表(An ordered list of values)。在大部分语言中,它被实现为数组(array),矢量(vector),列表(list),序列(sequence) 这些都是...
Any sequence container (std::array, std::vector, std::deque, std::forward_list, std::list) whose values can be used to construct JSON values (e.g., integers, floating point numbers, Booleans, string types, or again STL containers described in this section) can be used to create a JS...
序列化分配给对象的集合时,会将它们视为实现IEnumerable的集合:一个 JSON 数组,其中属于复杂类型的每一项都具有类型提示。例如,分配给Object的Shape类型的List将类似于以下形式。 复制 [{"__type":"Shape:#MyApp.Shapes","x":50,"y":70}, {"__type":"Shape:#MyApp.Shapes","x":58,"y":73}, {"_...
Ability to generate smaller and more efficient codecs for classes when checking of field duplication is not needed Ability to inline non value classes which have the primary constructor with just one argumentList of options that change parsing and serialization in runtime:Serialization...
A JSON object is a collection of key-value pairs where keys are strings and values can be strings, numbers, arrays, objects, ornull. A JSON array is an ordered list of values. Parsing JSON Data in Android To parse JSON data in Android, we can use theJSONObjectandJSONArrayclasses provide...
The optionalreplacerparameter can be either a function or an array of strings or numbers. If it is a function, the function takes two parameters: a key and a value. You can use this function to transform or filter each key/value pair as it is parsed. If you supply areplacerfunction, ...
Get the type property: Type of dataset. Overrides: JsonDataset.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: JsonDataset.validate() withAnnotations public JsonDataset withAnnotations(List annotations) Set the annotations property: List of tags that...
names - A JSONArray containing a list of key strings. These will be paired with the values. Returns: A JSONObject, or null if there are no names or if this JSONArray has no values. Throws: JSONException - If any of the names are null. toString public java.lang.String toString() Make...
它说,从结构上看,所有的数据(data)最终都可以分解成三种类型: 第一种类型是标量(scalar),也就是一个单独的字符串(string)或数字(numbers),比如"北京"这个单独的词。...第二种类型是序列(sequence),也就是若干个相关的数据按照一定顺序并列在一起,又叫做数组(array)或列表(List),比如"北京,上海"。...第三...
逐字符读取JSON字符串,读取到花括号 { 时调用 _parse_json 解析JSON对象,读取到方括号 [ 时调用 _parse_list 解析列表,读取到冒号 : 时调用 _parse_value 解析值,三个方法内部互相递归,完全解析任意格式JSON字符串。 输出字符方法要点 私有方法: _get_format_json _get_format_list _get_format_value 遍历数...