Hi, could you maybe point me to a solution how to use json linting in react-codemirror2? When i use mode javascript i get error highlighting in code but no gutters. This works with the react-codemirror 1 version. But as r_cm1 is outdated...
For instance, I have little experience with MSVC, and most issues in this regard have been solved by a growing community. If you have a look at the closed issues, you will see that we react quite timely in most cases. Only if your request would contain confidential information, please ...
一次偶然的机会,发现公司代码仓库中,sdk构建和reactjs构建仓库中居然有package-lock.json,这两个本该在编译时生成的文件,对于有强迫症的我,自然看不下去。于是果断一个MR,删除了这两个package-lock.json。以为自己做了好事的我还在沾沾自喜,殊不知这给我带来了2天苦逼的问题定位… 二、过程&解决 MR合入的当日...
1. 安装新版本的 node.js 2. 执行npx create-react-app my-app 创建一个 react 项目。 3. cd my-app 4. npm start 问题:在创建 npm create-react-app my-app 时,报错: npm ERR! Could not install from "Files\nodejs\node_cache\_npx\13472" as it does not contain a package.json file. 原...
Install the JsonViewer component library with npm: npm install view-json-react Or with Yarn: yarn add view-json-react Usage Incorporate the JsonViewer component into your React application like so: importReactfrom'react';import{JsonViewer}from'view-json-react';constApp=()=>{constjsonData={/*...
Install npm npm i react-json-formatter yarn yarn add react-json-formatter pnpm pnpm i react-json-formatter Usage App.js importReactfrom'react'importJsonFormatterfrom'react-json-formatter'constApp=()=>{constsample=`{"string":"ABCDE","number":1,"null":null,"boolean":true,"object":{"string...
If the package.json for your package is not in the root directory (for example if it is part of a monorepo), you can specify the directory in which it lives:{ "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/facebook/react.git", "directory": "packages/react-dom" }...
结合react进行二次封装 基于以上谈论,我们很容易将编辑器封装成react组件, 我们只需要在componentDidMount生命周期里初始化实例即可.react代码可能是这样的: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importReact,{PureComponent}from'react'importJSONEditorfrom'jsoneditor'import'jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.css'classJsonEditorextendsPureCo...
在Visual StudioCode的终端控制台里面安装npm install fetch-jsonp模块的时候报出这样的错误: 代码语言:javascript 复制 PSD:\react\reactdemo>npm install fetch-jsonp Unhandled rejection Error:EPERM:operation not permitted,open'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_cache\_cacache\tmp\ddf500a8'npmERR!cb()never ...
"install-react-18": "npm i --no-save --legacy-peer-deps react@18 react-dom@18", "lint": "npm run version && npm run tsc && npm run lint:script && npm run lint:demo && npm run lint:md && npm run lint:style", "lint-fix": "npm run lint-fix:script && npm run lint-fix...