Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics SQL analytics endpoint in Microsoft Fabric Warehouse in Microsoft FabricUse the functions described in this article support querying, manipulating, and construction JSON data. Use JSON...
For more info about the built-in support for JSON in SQL Server, seeJSON data in SQL Server. Related content Validate, query, and change JSON data with built-in functions (SQL Server) JSON Path Expressions (SQL Server) JSON data in SQL Server ...
SQL Server 2005开始支持XML数据类型,提供原生的XML数据类型、XML索引及各种管理或输出XML格式的函数。 随着JSON的流行,SQL Server2016开始支持JSON数据类型,不仅可以直接输出JSON格式的结果集,还能读取JSON格式的数据 (JSON相关函数,参考:
For more information, seeValidate, Query, and Change JSON Data with Built-in Functions (SQL Server),JSON_VALUE (Transact-SQL), andJSON_QUERY (Transact-SQL). Change JSON values If you must modify parts of JSON text, you can use theJSON_MODIFY (Transact-SQL)function to update the value of...
Transact-SQL-Referenz (T-SQL) Datum und Uhrzeit hierarchyid-Methoden (Datenbank-Engine) Numeric Zeichenfolge und Binär Räumliche Geografie und Instanzen (geografische Datentypen) Räumliche Geometrie und Instanzen (Geometrie-Datentyp) Datentypen XML DBCC Functions Functions ODBC-Skalar Aggregat...
For more information, seeValidate, Query, and Change JSON Data with Built-in Functions (SQL Server),JSON_VALUE (Transact-SQL), andJSON_QUERY (Transact-SQL). Change JSON values If you must modify parts of JSON text, you can use theJSON_MODIFY (Transact-SQL)function to update the value of...
For more information, seeValidate, Query, and Change JSON Data with Built-in Functions (SQL Server),JSON_VALUE (Transact-SQL), andJSON_QUERY (Transact-SQL). Change JSON values If you must modify parts of JSON text, you can use theJSON_MODIFY (Transact-SQL)function to update the value of...
通过使用这些函数,我们可以轻松地解析和处理 JSON 格式的字段。 希望本文对你理解 SQL Server 2008 中解析 JSON 格式字段有所帮助。 注:以上代码示例基于 SQL Server 2008 的 T-SQL 语法。 参考链接 [SQL Server JSON functions]( [SQL Server 2008 documentation](...
select @content,@RespDataselectJSON_VALUE(@RespData,'$.code'),JSON_VALUE(@RespData,'$.message'),JSON_VALUE(@RespData,'$.data.content'),JSON_VALUE(JSON_VALUE(@RespData,'$.data.content'),'$.rule_result.hitted_rules[0].name')--
JSON functions in SQL Server enable you to analyze and query JSON data, transform JSON to relational format, and export SQL query results as JSON text. If you have JSON text, you can extract data from JSON or verify that JSON is properly formatted using built-in functions JSON_VALUE...