这个json对象被埋在一个json结构中的大约七个层次中,我使用如下的sql语句从更大的json构造中提取它: 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECT value FROM forms, json_tree(forms.formJSON, '$.root') WHERE type = 'object' AND json_extract(value, '$.id') = @sControlID // In this example, @sControlID is...
步骤2:使用json_extract函数提取JSON数据的字段或属性 一旦你已经加载了包含JSON数据的文件到Hive表中,你就可以使用json_extract函数来提取JSON数据的字段或属性。以下是一个示例的查询语句: SELECTid,name,age,json_extract(address,'$.street')ASstreet,json_extract(address,'$.city')AScity,json_extract(address,...
SELECT json_extract(params,'$.item_id') as item_id, count(id), page_name, params, COUNT(DISTINCT cookie_md5) FROM `temp_record` WHERE `page_name` IN ('api/GoodsItem/read','api/GoodsItem/readnew','api/GoodsItem/details') AND ( params->'$.item_id' in (40349,40348,40347,40346,...
查询部门平均底薪超过2000元的部门编号 错误示范 SELECT deptno FROM t_emp WHERE AVG(sal) >=2000 -...
Extract values from JSON text and use them in queries If you have JSON text that's stored in database tables, you can read or modify values in the JSON text by using the following built-in functions: ISJSON (Transact-SQL)tests whether a string contains valid JSON. ...
2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 备注:data字段就是json的数据类型,由键值对组成. 备注:这个查询时直接对json对象进行操作. 3.对tab_json表使用json_extract函数 mysql> select json_extract(data,'$.name') from tab_json; +---+ | json_extract(data,'$.name') | +-...
SELECT*FROMjson_table(json_extract(t_json.book,'$.book'), "$[*]" COLUMNS( NAMEVARCHAR(60) path "$.name", priceDECIMAL(10,2) path "$.price" ) )ASJJ; 但是这个不行的,会提示: 错误代码: 1109 Unknown table 't_json' in a table function argument ...
tp5.1.38 mysql json类型字段查询sql语句构造问题#2151 MrCJJWopened this issueDec 23, 2019· 2 comments Comments 版本5.1.38 现在版本构造出来的sql json字段是用json_extract函数来查询,但是此函数查询出来的数据是带有""的,如图,是否改为使用->>较为合适?就是因为“”导致in查询不匹配,除非in里面的数据本身...
You can use such expressions in place of column references wherever they occur in SQL statements. The two SELECT statements shown here produce the same output: mysql> SELECT c, JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id"), g > FROM jemp > WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(c, "$.id") > 1 > ORDER BY JSON_...
obclient>SELECTJSON_EXTRACT('{"id": 14, "name": "Aztalan"}','$.name');+---+|JSON_EXTRACT('{"id": 14, "name": "Aztalan"}','$.name')|+---+|"Aztalan"|+---+1rowinset