[dictionary setValue:@"Anthony"forKey:@"First Name"]; [dictionary setValue:@"Robbins"forKey:@"Last Name"]; [dictionary setValue:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:51]forKey:@"Age"]; NSArray *arrayOfAnthonysChildren = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"Anthony's Son 1", @"Anthony's ...
Optional, Dictionary 如果未 xai_parameters 傳遞,則會 xrai 使用可解釋性演算法搭配其預設值 {"xai_algorithm": "xrai", "visualizations": True, "attributions": False} xai_algorithm 要使用的解釋性演算法名稱。 支援的 XAI 算法為 {xrai、、integrated_gradients、 guided_gradcamguided_backprop}Optional...
In this case the returned value will be a python dictionary, a list of dictionaries, or even a lazy iterable of dictionaries instead of JSON:>>> import subprocess >>> import jc >>> >>> cmd_output = subprocess.check_output(['dig', 'example.com'], text=True) >>> data = jc.parse...
Within that loop, i will be a dictionary so you don't need another for loop; you just need: for i in groups['groups']['items']: print(i['groupId']) If you just want a list of group ids, you could write: groupids = [group['groupId'] for group in groups['groups...
0 convert Codable to Json (Dictionary) Swift 0 How to decode JSON dictionary (with varying keys) of dictionaries, using Codable? 0 nested dictionary keys values in array using codable in swift 4 0 decode dictionary into array of codable structs 0 How do i decode an array of dictioni...
Maps with enum class keys which are convertible to JSON strings should be converted to JSON dictionaries #1217 Adding JSON Array to the Array #1216 Best way to output a vector of a given type to json #1215 compiler warning: double definition of macro JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH #1213 Compilati...
Maps with enum class keys which are convertible to JSON strings should be converted to JSON dictionaries #1217 Adding JSON Array to the Array #1216 Best way to output a vector of a given type to json #1215 compiler warning: double definition of macro JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH #1213 Compilation...
//将model的array转成dict的arrayNSMutableArray*dictArray = [LoanModel arrayOfDictionariesFromModels:feed.loans];NSLog(@"arrayOfDictionariesFromModels===>%@",dictArray);//将dict的array转成model的arrayNSMutableArray*modelArray = [LoanModel arrayOfModelsFromDictionaries:dictArray];NSLog(@"arrayOfModels...
any difference in dictionary dictionaries to import data, can I select a specific items value 0 Reply Author Ranjith kumar 8 years ago Reply to hiko Yes, you can select specific items by using index of that item instead of looping through all items. Do you have some sample data?
Optional, Dictionary 如果未传递 xai_parameters,则使用 xrai 可解释性算法及其默认值 {"xai_algorithm": "xrai", "visualizations": True, "attributions": False} xai_algorithm 要使用的可解释性算法的名称。 支持的 XAI 算法为 {xrai, integrated_gradients, guided_gradcam, guided_backprop}Optional, ...