{"name":"(gdb) Launch",//强制:就一个名字而已,但是是必须要有的"type":"cppdbg",//强制:调试器的类型,Node debugger for node, php for PHP , go for GO"request":"launch",//强制:launch/attach"program":"${workspaceFolder}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.out",//可执行文件的路径"miDebuggerPath"...
支持中文"displayName": "cat_extension",//对于插件的描述"description": "cat extension",//版本号"version": "0.0.1",//表示插件最低支持的vscode版本"engines": {"vscode": "^1.68.0"},//插件应用市场分类"categories": ["Other"],//插件的图标"icon":"",//扩展的激活事件的数组,就是这个...
"displayName": "cat_extension", // 对于插件的描述 "description": "cat extension", // 版本号 "version": "0.0.1", // 表示插件最低支持的vscode版本 "engines": { "vscode": "^1.68.0" }, // 插件应用市场分类 "categories": [ "Other" ], // 插件的图标 "icon":"", // 扩展的激活事...
/home/wenxue/workspace/hellvsc/.vscode 。 在这个 .vscode 目录中, 您会找到三个文件, 如果找不到就等 EXTENSION 扩展插件帮您生成, 反复打开关闭 Visual Studio Code 十多次以后, 您就找到窍门了。 当然, 也可以自己建立这三个 JSON 文件: c_cpp_properties.jsonlaunch.json tasks.json ctrl+shift+P打开C...
方式1:自己在 .vscode 文件夹下新建一个文件,取名 c_cpp_properties.json 1. 方式2:按Ctrl+shift+p,输入c/c++ config,选择Edit Configurations(JSON),软件将自动在 .vscode 文件夹下新建一个 c_cpp_properties.json 文件 1. 若此时调试程序未关闭,则点击红色方框关闭 ...
{workspaceFolder}",//当前工作路径:当前文件所在的工作空间"environment":[],"externalConsole":true,//是否使用外部控制台,选false的话,我的vscode会出现错误"MIMode":"gdb","miDebuggerPath":"c:/MinGW/bin/gdb.exe","setupCommands":[{"description":"Enable pretty-printing for gdb","text":"-enable-...
We don't really control the UI experience from the python extension, we only contribute the configurations. But, you can add two configurations, and use "noDebug": true in one of them. The python debugger will still launch, but it will not inject itself into your process. Being able to...
workspace. When I select (1) and add the required configurations to the launch.json file the .vscode/launch.json is located in the root directory of the workspace and NOT the root directory of the project (in this case a React Native project) and when running the d...
Removing Windows' debugger option when creating launch.json on Mac microsoft/vscode-cpptools#6862 Closed Contributor Colengms commented Apr 1, 2021 • edited @weinand I don't think this scenario was fully understood before it was closed. The C/C++ Extension is platform agnostic (for now....
vsCode launch 模式调试web应用 正常启动前端项目 配置launch.json: url: 前端项目运行的url地址 webRoot: 指定 Web 服务器根的工作区绝对路径,对于Monorepo项目需要如下配置路径。 点击运行和调试,启动debugger。 {// 使用 IntelliSense 了解相关属性。// 悬停以查看现有属性的描述。// 欲了解更多信息,请访问: https...