Generalize match Jul 23, 2024 deepseek-coder.preset.json LM Studio default presets Dec 17, 2023 falcon.preset.json Fix swapped prefix and suffix May 24, 2024 google_gemma_instruct.preset.json fix file name typo Feb 22, 2024 ...
The following JSON format works in Windows CLI for the option --config : `{ "compact": false, "controlFlowFlattening": false, "controlFlowFlatteningThreshold": 0.75, "deadCodeInjection": true, "deadCodeInjectionThreshold": 0.4, "debugProtection": false, "debugProtectionInterval": 0, "disable...
appConfigName=<appconfig_name> az appconfig kv set -n $appConfigName --content-type application/json --key Settings:BackgroundColor --value \"Green\" az appconfig kv set -n $appConfigName --content-type application/json --key Settings:FontSize --value 24 az appconfig kv set -n $appCon...
config_object = configparser.ConfigParser() file =open("employee.ini","r") config_object.read_file(file) output_dict=dict() sections=config_object.sections() for section in sections: items=config_object.items(section) output_dict[section]=dict(items) json_file =open("employee.json","w") ...
根据环境中配置nuget.config的方式,如果未将 配置为包源,可能需要运行以下命令: PowerShell复制 dotnet nuget add source 在某些环境中,使用单个包源有助于避免具有相同 ID 和版本但在不同源中具有不同内容的包之间存在冲突。 对于 Azure Artifacts...
Prepare the configuration file (in JSON format) with the identified source and sink details.See Source Configuration Templates and Sink Configuration Templates . You can choose one of the following two options. Option 1: Importing DynamoDB table a as JSON document using defau...
Note: The first entry in the oracle.json file should be config_version. The json must contain this key. Without this key, core module will not be able to send events to Infinity Data Collection server. The value for this is a decimal number in x.y format. The config_version value play...
To use thejson-filedriver as the default logging driver, set thelog-driverandlog-optskeys to appropriate values in thedaemon.jsonfile, which is located in/etc/docker/on Linux hosts orC:\ProgramData\docker\config\on Windows Server. If the file does not exist, create it first. For more info...
Config["max-file"]; ok { var err error maxFiles, err = strconv.Atoi(maxFileString) if err != nil { return nil, err } if maxFiles < 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("max-file cannot be less than 1") } } var compress bool if compressString, ok := info.Config[...
},"emmet.includeLanguages": {"wxml":"html"},"minapp-vscode.disableAutoConfig":true,"explorer.confirmDelete":false,"vetur.format.options.tabSize":2,"git.autofetch":true,// 在push代码时,是否先自动从远端拉取代码"gitlens.advanced.messages": {// 配置gitlen中git提交历史记录的信息显示情况"suppres...