json-editor-online - v1.0.0 - Command line tool for jsoneditoronline.cn ri-zhi-yi - v3.0.0 - NPM package for upload your log to rizhiyi.com/ chinese-mail - v0.1.6 - Easy to send mail with Chinese mail server, such as 126、163、qq, etc. rizhiyi-example - v2.0.0 - Example ...
A command line tool to validate json format including schema, view inner node by json pointer path, comapre tow json files or tow json node in the same or different json file, or compare multiple json files from different dirctory.
json在线编缉器,npm command line tool for json editor online, demo in macOS 10.12.5 下面是安装使用Gif动太图: NPM package:
Thejson.toolmodule provides a simple command line interface to validate and pretty-print JSON objects. 如果未指定可选的infile和outfile参数,则将分别使用sys.stdin和sys.stdout: $echo'{"json": "obj"}'|python -m json.tool{"json": "obj"}$echo'{1.2:3.4}'|python -m json.toolExpecting property...
同样也可以通过 Python json.tool 模块做到。示例如下: $ cat anything.json | python -m json.tool 这种基于 Python 的解决方案对于大多数用户来说应该没问题,但是如果没有预安装或无法安装 Python 则不行,比如在嵌入式系统上。 然而,json.tool Python 模块具有明显的优势,它是跨平台的。因此,你可以在 Windows...
Command line tool to view structured(JSON) log like 'tail -f', with filtering by log level and time range - qiangyt/jog
• Command-line/Terminal integration • AppleScript (incl. JXA) 新內容 2024年11月27日 版本1.53 Fixes • Fixes an issue causing the app to hang when converting from JSON5 format to JSON (Classic). ――― If you enjoy JSON Editor and find it useful, please also consider JSON Editor ...
Command-line A command-line tool is provided to quickly normalize any context by URL, file or string. Usage: $ jsonld-context-parse url http://json-ld.org/contexts/person.jsonld $ jsonld-context-parse file path/to/context.jsonld $ jsonld-context-parse arg '{ "xsd": "http://www.w3...
a 'json' command for massaging JSON on the command line. Latest version: 7.0.2, last published: 11 years ago. Start using jsontool in your project by running `npm i jsontool`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using jsontool.
简介 JSON Editor is a must-have editor for JSON, JSON5 and JSON Lines data. In a clean, uncluttered and user-friendly interface, it allows you to create, visualize, modify, validate, format and save your JSON documents. Along with the included HTTP Client, is a powerful tool to inspect...