*@type{Map<any, any[]>} */adjList;/** * 构造函数 *@constructor*@param{[any, any][]} edges */constructor(edges) {this.adjList=newMap();/** * 初始化现有的顶点与边 */for(const[e1, e2]ofedges) {this.addVertex(e1);this.addVertex(e2);this.addEdge(e1, e2); } }/** * 获取顶...
在JavaScript中,“graph”(图)通常指的是一种数据结构,用于表示对象之间的关系。图由节点(vertices 或 nodes)和边(edges)组成,可以是有向的或无向的,加权的或未加权的。 基础概念: 节点(Node):图中的基本单元,可以代表任何实体。 边(Edge):连接两个节点的线,表示节点之间的关系。边可以是有向的(从一个节点...
有向无环图(directed acyclic graph,以下简称 DAG)是一种常见的图形,其具体定义为一种由有限个顶点和有限条带有方向的边组成的图,并且其中任意一个顶点都不能沿着边再次指向自己。 DAG 可以用于模型化许多不同种类的信息,因此将一个 DAG 数据结构可视化的需求也变得非常普遍。并且由于大部分图的数据都非常复杂甚至...
JS Graph – JavaScript Drawing | Graph Framework fast and powerful JavaScript Graph library for visualizing any kind of business information in HTML5 web applications and environments Our Expertise Cedalo GmbH offers, in addition to our product offering, the service to design and develop user interfa...
jsgraph,纯javascript脚本画图,支持大部分浏览器。可做web拓扑图点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:5 积分 电信网络下载 ipwa-case-study 2025-02-14 05:47:38 积分:1 IPWA01-01_IU14085696 2025-02-14 05:47:10 积分:1 KRNL-Executor 2025-02-14 05:40:23 积分:1 ...
graph.getModel().beginUpdate();try{ layout.execute(parent); }catch(e) {throwe; }finally{if(animate.checked) {//默认值是 6, 1.5, 20varmorph=newmxMorphing(graph,10,1.7,20); morph.addListener(mxEvent.DONE,function() { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); ...
jsgraph 0.7.1•Public• Published8 years ago Encapsule Project:GitHub/Twitter Exploration of declarative programming with data models and graph theory using JavaScript, Node.js, and HTML5. Encapsule/jsgraph v0.7.1 "Begin at the beginning," the King said very gravely. "and go on till ...
GraphJS depends onRiot.js. Building Make sure you havenpminstalled. Simply type in: After compilation, you will get agraph.jsfile which would be served through HTTPS. Then, you should include this file in all of your web pages where you want to take advantage of GraphJS functionality. ...
graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = true; // 右键点击元素时显示下拉菜单 // 右键点击非元素的背景时显示另外一种菜单 graph.panningHandler.selectOnPopup = false; // 创建大纲 var outln = new mxOutline(graph, outline); //在触摸屏设备上禁用工具提示 ...