将地面打扫干净,材料摆放整齐 Clean the floor and put the materials in order Unloading for goods and materials: 脚手架搭设作业Scaffolding erection work Work Location: 作业区域名称 Prepared by: (Sub -contractor) Reviewed by: (Contractor) Approved by: (Client)©...
8、定)others (specify)_危险控制和应急方案hazard controls & emergency plans工作许可 work permit 人工搬运评估manual handling assessment脚手架 scaffolding个人保护设备ppe路障 physical barriers化学安全数据表msds 洗眼器eyewash紧急喷淋emergency shower 溢漏控制计划spill control plan 通风ventilation 上锁/挂牌lockout...
Work over/drilling operation NDT inspections All line breaking activities Confined space entry Use of unusual or unfamiliar equipment or procedure Picking up and laying down drill string Transferring people to a supply vessel Scaffolding Painting Pump repair Turbine repairs or removal Dismantle pipe or ...
Lifts θ Piping θ Rigging θ Scaffolding θ Welding θ Civil θ Equipment Operators θ Electrical θ Painters θ Riggers θ Scaffolding θ Welding θ instrumentation Preparation of the work Personnel injury due to lack of training L All workers shall be quite safety, before mobilizing for shift....
Work Permit 人工搬运评估 Manual Handling Assessment 脚手架 Scaffolding 个人保护设备 PPE 路障 Physical Barriers 化学安全数据表 MSDS 洗眼器 Eyewash 紧急喷淋 Emergency Shower 溢漏控制计划 Spill Control Plan 通风 Ventilation 上锁/挂牌 Lockout/Tagout 火源控制 Ignition Source Controls 无火花工具 Non Sparking...
Certification of equipment (Chain Block, scaffolding).设备的证书(起重机,脚手架) 1 3 L 主管/分包商2 5 M Number of people required for the lifting plan.人们要求的吊装方案 2 3 L 主管/分包商2 5 M All locations employing personnel to work at height or where ...
CACT Asset Integrity Workshop Report.Summary Presentation 热度: CACT Scaffolding Procedure 热度: CACT消防安全作业规范培训 热度: 11 提高作业安全分析提高作业安全分析(JSA)(JSA)的实效性的实效性 ---CACTCACT油田的油田的JSAJSA运用运用 ImproveEffectiveness&EfficiencyOfJSAImproveEffectiveness&EfficiencyOfJSA ---...
Work Permit MSDS Lockout/Tagout Fire Fighting/ERT Standby Work Procedure 人工搬运评估 洗眼器 火源控制 连续性气体测试 螺栓松开程序 Manual Handling Assessment Eyewash Ignition Source Controls Continuous Gas Testing Hot Bolting Procedure 脚手架 紧急喷淋 无火花工具 紧急撤离计划 伙伴机制 Scaffolding Emergency...
02.4.3Verifythatthescaffolding,ifany,hasGESiteManager beenapprovedandgreentagged. Page3di9 HazardControls/PreventiveProtective BasicJobStepsPotentialHazarOwners Measures 02.Unloadingoftheunit02.4.Fallingfromheight02.4.4VerifythattheworkingareaisGESiteManager workingabove1,2suitabletocarryouttheactivities. meters 02...