if(ws.readyState==1){ //自定义消息串,让后端接收 ws.send("xxxxxx"); }else{ alert("当前连接超时,请刷新重试!"); } returnfalse; }); // 强制退出 window.onunload=function(){ ws.close(); } createWebSocket(wsUrl);/**启动连接**/ ...
以下是一个检查和使用WebSocket的readyState属性的示例代码: javascript // 创建一个WebSocket连接 const socket = new WebSocket('wss://example.com/socketserver'); // 连接打开时触发 socket.onopen = function(event) { console.log('Connection opened', socket.readyState); // 输出: 1 (OPEN) }; //...
你可以监听 WebSocket 对象的事件,然后在事件处理器里主动修改 Vue 组件中的属性,例如: export default { data() { return { wsReadyState: null } }, mounted() { this.ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${process.env.VUE_APP_API_HOST}:9501`); this.ws.addEventListener('open', () => { this.ws.se...
//CLOSED:值为3,表示连接已经关闭,或者打开连接失败//例如:if (ws.readyState == WebSocket.CONNECTING) { }//【用于指定连接成功后的回调函数】ws.onopen=function(evt){console.log("Connection open ...");ws.send("Hello WebSockets!");};//ws.addEventListener('open', function (event) {// ws.s...
I think readyState must be updated similarly to the 'websocketClosed' event case: this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketClosed', ev => { if (ev.id !== this._socketId) { return; } this.readyState = this.CLOSED; this.dispatchEvent(new WebSocketEvent('close', { code: ev.code, reason...
WebSocket 前端使用 饱和protocol:在构造函数中使用,protocol参数让服务端知道客户端使用的WebSocket协议。而WebSocket对象的这个属性就是指的最终服务端确定下来的协议名称,可以为空 完整案例...次触发,页面数据展示处理模块-实现轮询onclose当websocket连接关闭时触发,只触发一次属性 readyState:WebSocket连接状态0 正在与服...
connection.server If the connection was accepted by a nodejs server, a reference to it will be saved here. null otherwise connection.readyState One of these constants, representing the current state of the connection. Only an open connection can be used to send/receive data. ...
Basic server&client approach to websocket (text and binary frames). Latest version: 1.7.2, last published: 6 years ago. Start using nodejs-websocket in your project by running `npm i nodejs-websocket`. There are 104 other projects in the npm registry usi
readyState; readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount; // networking attribute Function onopen; attribute Function onmessage; attribute Function onerror; attribute Function onclose; readonly attribute DOMString protocol; void send(in DOMString data); void close();};WebSocket implements Event...
args: Array<any>) => any); readyState: number; send(payload: any): void; close(code?: number, reason?: string): void; } Not sure if there's a correct way to sustain the websocket connection, but the code snippet above from #1053 (comment) seems to be the only feasible way. ...