var sleep = require( 'sleep' ); sleep.sleep(n): sleep for n seconds sleep.msleep(n): sleep for n miliseconds sleep.usleep(n): sleep for n microseconds (1 second is 1000000 microseconds) 代码实现: 使用方法: // 参数单位为: 秒数 ; function wait(haomiao) { // 将毫秒参数,转换为 秒...
('==PARALLEL with await Promise.all=='); // Start 2 "jobs" in parallel and wait for both of them to complete await Promise.all([ (async()=>console.log(await resolveAfter2Seconds()))(), (async()=>console.log(await resolveAfter1Second()))() ]); } // This function does not ...
比如 用成员函数try_lock_for() std::timed_mutex g_mutex; //先睡2s再去抢锁 if(g_mutex.try_lock_for(std::chrono::seconds...所以上述代码中也用到了acquire和release语义分别对读和写设置屏障: acquire:保证acquire后的读写操作不会发生在acquire动作之前 release:保证release前的读写操作不会发生在.....
for循环的执行顺序 大家好,又见面了,我是全栈君 一边回顾基础一边记录记录做个整理,这篇关于for循环的执行顺序: for(表达式1;表达式2;表达式3) {循环体} 第一步,先对表达式1赋初值; 第二步,...判别表达式2是否满足给定条件,若其值为真,满足循环条件,则执行循环体内语句,然后执行表达式3,然后进入第二次循环。
log( 'Three seconds later...' ) ); Reveal.initialize();Note that reveal.js will not wait for init Promise fulfillment if the plugin is loaded as an async dependency. If the plugin's init method does not return a Promise, the plugin is considered ready right away and will not hold up...
profiler.start() // wait for 10 seconds and stop await promisify(setTimeout)(profileRecordTime) await inspector.profiler.stop() console.log('CPU profile has been written') await inspector.profiler.disable() }) return true } } 所有代码都用 setImmediate 包裹,因为我们不需要等到录制结束。 让...
// 函数实现,参数单位 毫秒 ;// 以下代码来自于互联网,具体出处已经不记得了;functionwait(ms){returnnewPromise(resolve=>setTimeout(()=>resolve(),ms));};// 调用方法;awaitwait(5000); 2. 方法二:同步函数,使用whlie(){}或者for实现死循环;缺点是cpu占用率很高; ...
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After a few seconds, a new screen will appear, showing the URL to the Git repository for your Web Site. If you haven’t set up any credentials for your account yet, you’ll need to provide them before continuing. The URL is in the form https://WindowsAzureAccount@WebSiteName.scm.azur...
… the karma runner will detect the changes and rerun the tests (note that there are 2 tests executed now)This 2nd test shows an interesting behaviors since it will make the test wait for 15 seconds (with the browser window opened):