代码语言:txt 复制 function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function waitOneSecond() { console.log('等待开始'); await delay(1000); console.log('1秒后执行'); console.log('等待结束'); } waitOneSecond(); ...
log("all io task done")); // then.callback to wait all task done 运行结果: calling1 1.js loaded callback of task 1 2.js loaded callback of task 2 3.js loaded callback of task 3 all io task done 如图: c++ 生成器(generator) 这里使用的是msvc c++20. c++的协程前面没有aysnc...
// 函数实现,参数单位 秒 ;functionwait(second){// execSync 属于同步方法;异步方式请根据需要自行查询 node.js 的 child_process 相关方法;letChildProcess_ExecSync=require('child_process').execSync;ChildProcess_ExecSync('sleep '+second);};// 调用方法;休眠 60 秒,即 1 分钟;wait(60); 4. 方法四:...
constsynth=newTone.Synth().toDestination();constnow=Tone.now()// trigger the attack immediatelysynth.triggerAttack("C4",now)// wait one second before triggering the releasesynth.triggerRelease(now+1) triggerAttackRelease triggerAttackRelease是triggerAttack和triggerRelease的组合 音符的第一个参数可以是...
For example, below is how you can wait 1 second before executing some code. Example: function delay(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)); } async function run() { await delay(1000); console.log("This printed after about 1 second"); } run(); ↥ ...
PressStart Buttonand wait until the bot start counting(you can change counting time in Advanced Settings), during this time you need to focus your game on the PC where the game is running (or focus windows in a proper order if you run it inMultiple Fishing Mode) ...
function wait(second) { // execSync 属于同步方法;异步方式请根据需要自行查询 node.js 的 child_process 相关方法; let ChildProcess_ExecSync = require('child_process').execSync; ChildProcess_ExecSync('sleep ' + second); }; // 调用方法;休眠 60 秒,即 1 分钟; ...
//very big js file //lots of html stuffalert(1); The problem is, that those are loaded asynchronously. Is there a way to wait for the second script until the first one is loaded? javascript html Share Copy link Improve this question Follow...
However, a piece of CPU-bound code in a Node.js instance with thousands of clients connected is all it takes to block the event loop, making all the clients wait. CPU-bound codes include attempting to sort a large array, running an extremely long loop, and so on. For example: ...
second, "fast" // wait above to finish setTimeout(concurrentStart, 4000); // after 2 seconds, logs "slow" and then "fast" // wait again setTimeout(concurrentPromise, 7000); // same as concurrentStart // wait again setTimeout(parallel, 10000); // truly parallel: after 1 second, ...