如果toFixed()调用的对象不是数字类型,你需要将其转换为数字,或者修改代码逻辑以避免在非数字上调用此方法。 错误示例: javascript let value = "123.456"; console.log(value.toFixed(2)); // 报错:toFixed is not a function 正确做法: javascript let value = "123.456"; value = Number(value); //...
toFixed() is not a function toFixed只能针对数字类型才能使用,所以对于字符类型的要用parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)+% 保留2为小数后面加个百分号 或者parseInt函数先转一下再调用,也可以强制转换 Number(data) toFixed() 方法可把 Number 四舍五入为指定小数位数的数字。 语法 NumberObject.toFixed(num) 返回...
[].map(); 基本用法跟forEach方法类似: array.map(callback,[ thisObject]); callback的参数也类似: [].map(function(value..., index, array) { // ... }); map方法的作用不难理解,“映射”嘛,也就是原数组被“映射”成对应新数组。...); arrayOfSquares.forEach(console.log); 结果,数组所有...
value?.foo=1 可选链语法: obj.val?.prop obj.val?.[expr] obj.func?.(args) 错误的函数执行 错误的函数名称: varx =document.getElementByID("foo"); // TypeError: document.getElementByID is not a function varx =document.getElementById("foo");// 正确的函数 ...
js中toFixed的bug 在js中使用toFixed时,执行的并不是严格的四舍五入,使用的是银行家舍入规则:我们来看下代码: (9999.0351).toFixed(2) "9999.04" (9999.0450).toFixed...(2) "9999.05" (9999.0350).toFixed(2) "9999.03" 看上面的代码来总结下规律:四舍六入五考虑,五后非零就进一,五后为零看奇偶,五...
baseURL: 'https://some-domain.com/api/', // `transformRequest` allows changes to the request data before it is sent to the server // This is only applicable for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH' and 'DELETE' // The last function in the array must return a string or an inst...
value argument of URLSearchParams.prototype.{ has, delete } marked as supported from Bun 1.0.31 Added React Native 0.74 Hermes compat data, Array.prototype.{ toSpliced, toReversed, with } and atob marked as supported Added Deno 1.41.3 compat data mapping Added Opera Android 81 compat data ...
The $() factory takes a value in dollars and lifts it into the money object type.$(dollars: n) => MoneyExample:$(20).toFixed(); // '20.00'Once a value is represented as money, you can still operate on it using normal JavaScript operators - however, doing so will be subject to ...
In all examples below, semicolons andtoStringcalls are not shown. If a commented-out value is in quotes it meanstoStringhas been called on the preceding expression. The library exports a single constructor function,Decimal, which expects a single argument that is a number, string or Decimal in...