为了解决这一问题,我们找到了几种方法。首先,针对使用NodeJs环境的情况,如果NodeJs版本高于v11,则NodeJs环境支持TextEncoder方法。然而,如果NodeJs版本低于v11,可以尝试使用文本编码模块"text-encoding"。为了引入"text-encoding"模块,我们使用命令行进行安装:$ npm install text-encoding。然后将其添...
ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined Environment @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser: ^1.11.2 => 1.11.2 Additional information The problem did not occur with @inrupt/solid-client-authn-browser 1.6.1 It works fine with@jest-environment node ...
如果你的NodeJs版本升到了v11,那么node的运行环境是支持TextEncoder方法的。但是如果你的项目的nodeJs版本低于v11,可以安装moduletext-encodin。 $ npm install text-encoding 加在入口文件 // These have been added in NodeJS v11, so good idea is to check first if (typeof TextEncoder !== 'function'...
Hello! I am currently trying to use the React Testing library to run my unit/integrated tests, and there's a problem I've been noticing running any component/file that includes apache-arrow imports. I am currently using the es2015-cjs bu...
$ is not defined 原因 js语法有问题,未识别为js语法 解决 需要引入jquery #src后面加js文件路径...
jsdom似乎没有在全局中为DOM定义TextEncoder。因此,您可以使用node.js one填充它。
const utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder(); ^ ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined 如果我评论 mongoose 行,我没有收到任何错误,但我需要使用它,即使我检查了我的节点版本 16.5.0 我试着看一篇发生同样错误的旧帖子,但它对我来说没有任何帮助?旧帖子链接 在这里输入链接描述 如何修复此错误 原文由 user...
ReferenceError: TextEncoder is not defined We strongly believe that a valid JavaScript code must compile regardless of what test environment you are using. In fact, having a proper test environment is crucial to get any kind of value from your tests. Jest/JSDOM take that already working environ...
Node.js 安装包及源码下载地址为:https://nodejs.org/en/download/,历史版本下载地址:https://nodejs.org/dist/ 3、Node中安装jsdom模块 npm install jsdom 4、JS文件开头添上下述固定代码 //解决TextEncoder is not defined ...
//解决TextEncoder is not defined const textencoding = require('text-encoding'); TextEncoder = textencoding.TextEncoder; TextDecoder = textencoding.TextDecoder; //解决浏览器环境问题 const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const {JSDOM} = jsdom; const dom = new JSDOM('<!DOCTYPE html>Hello world...