JS Technology Solutions is a skilled team of technical consultants and software architects. We strive to deliver reliable and performant web and mobile applications that increase productivity and customer satisfaction.
('technologyIds')" :items="technologySelectItems" v-model="technologyIds" ></v-select> </v-layout> </v-container> </v-form> <v-layout> <v-flex xs2> <v-btn small @click="submit" color="primary" :disabled="!valid || loading"> {{category ? 'Update' : 'Add'}} </v-btn> ...
Aromajoin - Develop the finest digital scent products based on the harmony of hardware, software and material technology. Carrefour Staples Canada Blibli Manduka Upwork - Work Marketplace for freelancers and employers A11y Vue A11y project - Vue.js community project to improve web accessibility. vu...
所属公司:Vue Technology LLC 成立日期:2013-01-01 所属地:美国 简介:渐进式JavaScript 框架,由尤雨溪打造。Vue.js是一套构建用户界面的渐进式框架。与其他重量级框架不同的是,Vue采用自底向上增量开发的设计。Vue 的核心库只关注视图层,并且非常容易学习,非常容易与其它库或已有项目整合。另一方面,Vue 完全有能力...
This is a very cool real-time communication mechanism for your apps with no proprietary technology like Meteor.Example:const cote = require('cote'); // Instantiate a new Publisher component. const randomPublisher = new cote.Publisher({ name: 'Random Publisher', // namespace: 'rnd', // ...
We have designed Console Ninja in such a way that adding support for new tools is fast and easy, so pleaselet us knowif there's another technology you want to use Console Ninja with. Get started Console Ninja is designed to fit seamlessly into most typical dev workflows. After you have ...
Melown Cloudis point-and-click interface to a subset of VTS technology, operated by Melown Tecchnologies. Conveniently, Melown Cloud may be also used as a source of custom map configurations for VTS browser JS application development. VTS 3D Geospatial Software stack ...
Strophe.js was created by Jack Moffitt. It was originally developed for Chesspark, an online chess community based on XMPP technology. It has been cared for and improved over the years and is currently maintained by many people in the community. ...
FlexSearch was nominated by the GitNation for the "Best Technology of the Year".Supported Platforms:Browser Node.jsSupported Database:InMemory (Default) IndexedDB (Browser) Redis SQLite Postgres MongoDB ClickhouseDemos:Auto-Complete Library Comparison:...