在js中,switch case语句在比较的时候用的是全等,即condition === case 1let a = "1";2switch(a){3case1:4console.log("执行case分支");5break;6default:7console.log("执行default分支")8}910//由于switch case语句在比较的时候用的是全等,并且由于a是字符串1,case里是数字1,两者类型不相等,所以上面...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于js case多个条件的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及js case多个条件问答内容。更多js case多个条件相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
functiontest(color){// 使用条件语句来寻找对应颜色的水果switch(color){case'red':return['apple','strawberry'];case'yellow':return['banana','pineapple'];case'purple':return['grape','plum'];default:return[];
This can cause the app to stutter or seem unresponsive. To demonstrate this, I create another test case where I populate a Hub control with the “featured collections” provided by the Library of Congress Web service. I add a new Page Control named scheduler.html for the test case to my ...
BadSwitch 1103 case 또는 default 문이 없습니다. BadThrow 1239 throw 문이 catch 문의 try 블록 내부에 없을 때에는 반드시 인수를 가져야 합니다. BadVariableDeclaration 1198 변수 선언이 잘못되었거나, var가 없거...
Set option to false or 0 to disable. The smallest sequences length is 2. A sequences value of 1 is grandfathered to be equivalent to true and as such means 200. On rare occasions the default sequences limit leads to very slow compress times in which case a value of 20 or less is ...
switch case 语句判断一个变量与一系列值中某个值是否相等,每个值称为一个分支。...语法: switch(expression){ case value : //语句 break; //可选 case value : //语句 break; //可选 //你可以有任意数量的case语句...从 Java SE 7 开始,switch 支持字符串 String 类型了,同时 case 标签必须为字符...
The block following an {{else someCondition}} tag will be output if the condition evaluates to true (or, more precisely, truthy). This syntax can be used effectively like a switch/case statement to evaluate n number of conditions.
Conditionals :: 'switch-case' Statement.(switchCase.js) Loops :: 'while' Loop Differences between 'if-else' conditional and 'while' loop.(whileLoopIntro.js) How to stop an infinite loop inside a 'while' loop through the loop variable changing (increment/decrement).(whileLoopIntro.js) ...
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