51CTO博客已为您找到关于js case多个条件的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及js case多个条件问答内容。更多js case多个条件相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
程序将按从上到下的顺序运行以查找匹配项,一旦找到一个,该break命令将停止该switch块继续评估语句。 week.js // Set the current day of the week to a variable, with 1 being Monday and 7 being Sundayconstday =newDate().getDay();switch(day) {case1:console.log("Happy Monday!");break;case2:...
使用反斜杠可以书写多行字符串字面量: var str = "this string \ is broken \ across multiple\ lines." 但是这种多行字符串在输出并不是多行的: console.log(str) //输出"this string is broken across multiplelines." 如果想实现Here文档(注1)的字符串效果,可以使用转义换行符: var poem = "Roses ar...
// This is necessary if you have a webpage that loads // multiple JavaScript bundles that were // built at different times with Lasso. // The string you provide will be used to create // a unique name for the modules runtime variable name by // removing or replacing illegal characters...
Besides choosing whether to install on Windows or WSL, there are additional choices to make when installing Node.js. We recommend using a version manager as versions change very quickly. You will likely need to switch between multiple Node.js versions based on the needs of different projects you...
This column demonstrates the basic features of JsRender, but there’s much more under the covers. For example, although the conditional tags can contain multiple {{for}} tags with conditions (such as a switch/case statement), there might be cleaner ways to handle this situation...
keyPressSelectors Takes an array of selectors and string values -- simulates multiple sequential keypress interactions. hoverSelector Move the pointer over the specified DOM element prior to the screenshot. hoverSelectors Playwright and Puppeteer only takes an array of selectors -- simulates multiple...
上面是一个比较简单示例,平坦化一般有几种表示,while...switch...case、while...if...elesif。 while...if...eleseif的还原难度更高。比如if(seq == 1)...elseif...可以优化成if(seq & 0x10 ==1)...elseif...。 逗号表达式 通过逗号把语句连接在一起,还可以结合括号进行变形。 function...
divid="toggle"data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ToggleSwitch">Date Picker:Time Picker: Figure 2 Common HTML and WinJS Controls in Dark and Light Default Styles As you can see from examiningFigure 2, the default styles for controls reflect