sort的作用是排序数组,@param:compareFn:The name of the function used to determine the order of the elements. If omitted, the elements are sorted in ascending, ASCII character order. 1、如果sort没有传递回调函数作为参数,那么sort的排序规则是什么? Unicode的方式排序,一个字符一个字符的比 2、关于sort...
sort((a, b) => { // First sort by name in ascending order const nameComparison =; if (nameComparison !== 0) { return nameComparison; } // If names are equal, sort by age in descending order return b.age - a.age; }); } // Example usage: const...
1. Reversing the sorted Array To sort the array into descending order, we can simple reverse the array we sorted in ascending order. const data = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"]; const sort = data.sort().reverse() console.log(sort) //["Orange","Mango","Banana","Apple"]...
oTBody.appendChild(oFragment);//记录最后一次排序的列索引oTable.sortCol =iCol; } Click on the table header to sortinascending order. Last Name First Name Birthday Siblings
//sort in ascending(1) order by length constsort={length:1,author:1}; constcursor=myColl.find(query).sort(sort); forawait(constdocofcursor){ console.dir(doc); } With the addition of theauthorfield to the sort document, the read operation sorts matching documents first bylengthand, in ...
js-sortify This package lets you sort your array in ascending or descending order with many different algorithms. sort sortify sortifyjs data array sorting algorithm algorithms ascending descending sezergumus• 1.1.1 • a year ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.1.1, a year ag...
return SortByProps(a, b, { "name": "ascending", "age": "descending" }); }); console.log(items)})();//两个字段都降序排序,其他排序方向同理,也可再加字段(function desc(){ items.sort(function (a, b) { return SortByProps(a, b, { "name": "descending", "age": "descending" }...
//sort in ascending(1) order by length constsort={length:1,author:1}; constcursor=myColl.find(query).sort(sort); forawait(constdocofcursor){ console.dir(doc); } With the addition of theauthorfield to the sort document, the read operation sorts matching documents first bylengthand, in ...
sort(); 传入的是两个参数返回值是number类型的函数arr.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); 如果return a- b就是求升序:因为 如果a-b大于0那么交换a和b的位置因此为升序 如果return b-a那就是降序:因为如果b-a大于0那么交换a和b的位置因此是降序 如果返回值是例如 return 1那么仅仅只是将...
JS array default sort By default, numbers are sorted numerically in ascending order and strings lexically also in ascending order. main.js let vals = [-3, 3, 0, 1, 5, -1, -2, 8, 7, 6]; let words = ['sky', 'blue', 'nord', 'cup', 'lemon', 'new']; ...