function removeCustomSpecialCharacters(str, customCharacters) { var regexPattern = new RegExp('[' + customCharacters + ']', 'g'); return str.replace(regexPattern, ''); } var originalString = 'Hello, *World*!'; var customCharacters = '*!'; var cleanedString = removeCustomSpecialCharacters...
To replace or remove characters that don't match a regex, call the `replace()` method on the string passing it a regular expression.
escape-string-regexp - Escape RegExp special characters. splice-string - Remove or replace part of a string like Array#splice. indent-string - Indent each line in a string. strip-indent - Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string. detect-indent - Detect the indentation of code....
jwerle/sregex - simple string regular expression that exposes matches in defined variables ianstormtaylor/case - Simple case detection and conversion for strings. ianstormtaylor/to-no-case - Remove an existing case from a string. ianstormtaylor/to-camel-case - Convert a string to camel-case....
Throw an error on non-strings, regex-escaping/58 Added /actual/ namespace entries, unconditional forced replacement changed to feature detection Promise.try proposal: Built-ins: Promise.try Moved to stage 3, June 2024 TC39 meeting Added /actual/ namespace entries, unconditional forced replacement...
1: BugFix:Dropdown Excel js there is limitation of accepting 255 characters and beyond that throws error. 2: BugFix: problems, Thank youstyunan, MergedPR1573. V4.4.2 New Features! Change Log: 1: Fixbug:Internal hyperlink does not work on wps office. (Break change) and...
ascii_only (default: false)— escape Unicode characters in strings and regexps (affects directives with non-ascii characters becoming invalid) beautify (default: true)— whether to actually beautify the output. Passing -b will set this to true. Use -O if you want to generate minified code an...
Mark Amery提交于11天前.Improve time complexity of tokenization regex used in diffSentences (#580) Release Notes 8.0.0 7.0.0 6.0.0 v5.2.0 v5.1.0 v5.0.0 v4.0.1 - January 6th, 2019 v4.0.0 - January 5th, 2019 v3.5.0 - March 4th, 2018 ...
For IE 11, you'll also need a polyfill to support unicode regex patterns. For example,const rewritePattern = require('regexpu-core'); const {generateRegexpuOptions} = require('@babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin/lib/util'); const {RegExp} = global; try { new RegExp('a', 'u...
fix parse regex bug (#1307) (db2b6a5), closes #1305 remove module entry in package.json to revert 1.10.1 change (#1314) (824dcb8) update devHelper add warning "passing Year as a Number will be parsed as a Unix timestamp" (#1315) (b0dda31)...