push(fn); return this; } callback() { const fn = compose(this.middleware); if (!this.listenerCount('error')) this.on('error', this.onerror); const handleRequest = (req, res) => { const ctx = this.createContext(req, res); return this.handleRequest(ctx, fn); }; return handle...
Here are some examples of how to use OpenPGP.js v5. For more elaborate examples and working code, please check out thepublic API unit tests. If you're upgrading from v4 it might help to check out thechangeloganddocumentation. Encrypt and decryptUint8Arraydata with a password Encryption will...
$.type(object) ⇒ string Get string type of an object. Possible types are: null undefined boolean number string function array date regexp object error. For other objects it will simply report “object”. To find out if an object is a plain JavaScript object, use isPlainObject.add...
可以看到其中一條是當前APK的路徑,顯然assets也是從這裡取的,因此這裡是一個可以嘗試重定向點,先需構造一個fake.apkpush 到/data/app/XXX/下,然後hook IO重定向到fake.apk實現替換。 對我自己編譯的Demo而言,無論是以apktool解包&重打包的方式,還是直接解壓縮&重壓縮&手動命名的方...
{ 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 2, push: Array.prototype.push } // push 操作的是索引值为 length 的位置 arrayLike2.push(1); console.log(arrayLike2); // {2: 1, 3: 4, length: 3, push: ƒ} arrayLike2.push(2); console.log(arrayLike2); // {2: 1, 3: 2, length: 4, push:...
{ // docs is an array containing documents Mars, Earth, Jupiter // If no document is found, docs is equal to [] }); // 查询找名称里包含ar的,使用正则表达式查询 db.find({ planet: /ar/ }, function (err, docs) { // docs contains Mars and Earth }); // 查找从太阳系继承的 db....
It seems that the ancient Array.prototype.push bug is fixed in V8 ~ Chrome 122 (Hallelujah!) ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer and friends proposal features marked as supported from FF 122 and Bun 1.0.19 Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy marked as supported from Bun 1.0.19 Since Iterator helpers pro...
-IPATH, --proto_path=PATH Specify the directoryinwhichto searchforimports. May be specified multipletimes; directories will be searchedinorder. If not given, the current working directory is used. --version Show version info andexit.
array.push() 在数组的末尾添加一个或多个元素,并返回该数组的新长度。 const animals = new ArraySchema<string>();animals.push("pigs", "goats");animals.push("sheeps");animals.push("cows");// output: 4 array.pop() 从数组中删除最后一个元素并返回该元素。此方法更改数组的长度。