if(error.name){ console.log(error.name+": "+error.message); } 上面代码表示,显示错误的名称以及出错提示信息。 stack属性用来查看错误发生时的堆栈。 function throwit() {thrownewError(''); } function catchit() {try{ throwit(); }catch(e) { console.log(e.stack);//print stack trace} } ...
栈所做都就是一边在记录(也就是函数)返回值后将它们一个接一个的弹出,一边继续等待其他函数的执行。 在每条记录(entry)上,栈的状态也称做栈帧(stack frame)。若是哪个栈帧上的函数调用发生了错误,JS 会将其代码执行快照打印成堆栈追踪(stack trace)。 代码语言:javascript 复制 functionbaz(){thrownewError('S...
To print the stack trace of the access, use --trace-env-js-stack and/or --trace-env-native-stack. Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #55604. Other notable changes [59d6891872] - doc: add LJHarb to collaborators (Jordan Harband) #56132 [565b04a7be] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add Block...
We could force you to catch these guys separately, forcing you to get something that's properly typed and you can call the correct methods (like .stack on) or we could forward from printStackTrace to .stack as a compiler intrinsic, and then continue (begin?) the fiction that js.Error <...
先上图 然后开始 水字数 讲解:我们可以看到当我们debug设置断点时,如果勾选了黄色区域 Log: "Breakpoint hit" message(日志 "断点命中"消息) 此时当我们的断点触发后...,会打印断点命中时的信息 BreakPoint reached at 类名:行号旁边还有一个Stack trace 和上面的类似,但会打印出堆栈信息 1.6K20 Ijkplayer打印...
keyMap); // log print: keyMap.Version = undefined } }公共方法 方法 参数 描述 $element id: string 获得指定id的组件对象,如果无指定id,则返回根组件对象。示例见获取DOM元素。 用法: - this.$element('xxx'):获得id为xxx的组件对象。 - this.$element():获得根组件对象。 $rootElement 无 获取...
我们在代码里通过 dtrace-provider 提供了一些 probe,包括 parse-entry,parse-return,stringify-entry,stringify-return。接下来就可以通过这些 probe 结合 dtrace 脚本统计出每次 JSON.stringify 和 JSON.parser 的性能数据了 json-latency.d #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s /* print something for every probe */ node...
print("Invalid os!") assert(false) } } if (enable_target_compilation) { ecma_platform_source += [ "ecmascript/platform/unix/ohos/directory.cpp" ] } else if (is_mingw) { ecma_platform_source += [ "ecmascript/platform/windows/directory.cpp" ] } else { ecma_platform_sou...
import { printFormattedv2 } from 'printformatted-js' const node = false //whether you are printing to node console or to regular browser console - the method has to go about it differently depedning no which one const trace = false //whether to print out a stack trace //the strings yo...
Your application is throwing uncaught exceptions – Checkd:\\home\\LogFiles\\Application\\logging-errors.txtfile for the details on the exception thrown. This file has the stack trace to help diagnose and fix your application. My node application takes too much time to start (Cold Start) ...