gulp.src('app/src/**/*.css') //此时base的值为app/src,也就是说它的base路径为app/src //设该模式匹配到了文件 app/src/css/normal.css .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) //用dist替换掉base路径,最终得到 dist/css/normal.css 所以改变base路径后,gulp.dest()生成的文件路径也会改变 gulp.src(...
arrayMethods,arrayKeys)}this.observeArray(value)//深度观察数组中的每一项}else{this.walk(value)// 重新定义对象类型数据}functionprotoAugment(target,src:Object){target.__proto__=src}exportconstarrayMethods=Object.create(arrayProto)constmethodsToPatch=['push',...
arrayMethods)// 改写数组原型方法 }else{ copyAugment(value,arrayMethods,arrayKeys) } this.observeArray(value) //深度观察数组中的每一项 }else{ this.walk(value) // 重新定义对象类型数据 } function protoAugment(target, src: Object){ target.__proto__ = src } export const arrayMethods = Object...
为了构建我们的 Angular 应用,需要安装gulp-uglify,gulp-minify-css和gulp-usemin依赖包。 npm install --save gulp-uglify gulp-minify-css gulp-usemin 打开你的gulpfile.js并且引入必要的模块。 var childProcess = require('child_process'); var electron = require('electron-prebuilt'); var gulp = requir...
使用gulp-minify-css 安装:npm install --save-dev gulp-minify-css 要压缩css文件时可以使用该插件 vargulp = require('gulp'), minifyCss= require("gulp-minify-css"); gulp.task('minify-css',function() { gulp.src('css/*.css')//要压缩的css文件.pipe(minifyCss())//压缩css.pipe(gulp.dest(...
mode: 'production', // Minify our output output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: '[name].[fullhash:8].js', // Our output will have a unique hash, which will force our clients to download updates if they become available later ...
[ threeMinifier.resolver, ] }, mode: 'production', // Minify our output output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: '[name].[fullhash:8].js', // Our output will have a unique hash, which will force our clients to download updates if they become available later ...
The normal solution for this is to install "Fail2Ban" which will block IP addresses trying to authenticate after a number of invalid attempts.But this isn't the perfect solution, the perfect solution would be to disable password authentication, that way the brute-force attack would be ...
The PDF.js files are too big. Is it possible to obtain minified versions of the JS files? You can build a minified version of PDF.js using the following command: npx gulp minified We use Terser to minify the JS files. It is known that other minifiers might break PDF.js code if adva...
使用gulp-minify-css 安装:npm install --save-dev gulp-minify-css 要压缩css文件时可以使用该插件 var gulp = require('gulp'), minifyCss = require("gulp-minify-css"); gulp.task('minify-css', function () { gulp.src('css/*.css') // 要压缩的css文件 ...