3.创建方式不同。obj有三种创建方式 字面量{}、new Object() 、构造函数。map仅支持new Map() obj的创建方式: constobj = {name:"zs",age:18}console.log(obj)// 2.new Objectletobj1 =newObject()console.log(obj1)// 3.构造函数functionPerson(name,age){this.name= namethis.age= age }letobj...
push(array); }); return Object.keys(groups).map(function(group){ return groups[group] }) }; //使用groupBy函数 let result=groupBy(datas,function(item){ return item.name; //根据name分组 }); console.log(result); 运行结果为: call()和apply() 这两个函数都能改变一个函数中的this对象的...
Object: 当前实例 地图 AMap.Map 地图对象类,封装了地图的属性设置、图层变更、事件交互等接口的类。 相关示例 new AMap.Map(div: (String | HTMLDivElement), opts: MapOptions) 参数说明: div ((String | HTMLDivElement)) 构造一个地图对象,参数container中传入地图容器DIV的ID值或者DIV对象, opts地图...
We already have the precedent of Object.keys returning an array of own keys, and matched triplets of keys/values/entries iterators on Map/Set/Array. As such, per discussions on es-discuss and in at least one previous TC39 meeting, this proposal seeks to add Object.values and Object.entries...
The TSL function densityFog( color, density ) has been deprecated. Use fog( color, densityFogFactor( density ) ) instead. The center property has been removed from DotScreenNode. The TSL object materialAOMap has been renamed to materialAO. The TSL object shadowWorldPosition has been renamed ...
每个 heap object 都有个 map 来记录相关信息。// All heap objects have a Map that describes ...
longPolling: function() { var _this = this; var obj = { passport: _this....
getMap() Map 返回覆盖物所在的map对象 addEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none 添加事件监听函数 removeEventListener(event: String, handler: Function) none 移除事件监听函数 事件 参数 描述 click event{type, target} 点击文本标注后会触发此事件 dblclick event{type, target} 双击文本标注后...
The Map object represents the map on your page. It exposes methods and properties that enable you to programmatically change the map, and fires events as users interact with it. You create a Map by specifying a container and other options. Then Mapbox GL JS initializes the map on the page...
printIntroduction: function() { console.log(`My name is ${this.name}. Am I human? ${this.isHuman}`); } }; const me = Object.create(person); me.name = 'Matthew'; // "name" is a property set on "me", but not on "person" ...