To automatically make a number like "0.123123123" to something more Fraction.js friendly like "0.(123)", I hacked this little brute force algorithm in a 10 minutes. Improvements are welcome...function formatDecimal(str) { var comma, pre, offset, pad, times, repeat; if (-1 === (comma...
WebGLRenderer constructor doesn't use anymore maxLights parameter: shaders will be generated with the exact number of lights in the scene (it's now up to the application layer to make sure shaders compile on a particular system) ColorUtils.rgbToHsv() got moved into Color.getHSV() Geometr...
You may need to define new rules for other languages like Russian. This can be done by registering a handler withi18n.pluralization.register(). The following example defines a Russian pluralizer. i18n.pluralization.register("ru",(_i18n,count)=>{constmod10=count%10;constmod100=count%100;letke...
Feat: Extend functionmodwith support for negative divisors in when usingBigNumberorFraction(#3087). Fix: #3092 a typo in an error message when converting a string into a number. Fix: #3094 functionderivativemutates the input expression when it fails. 2023-10-26, 12.0.0 Breaking changes: Fix...
Making a permutation of the iterable then taking its sample is functionally the same asFisher–Yates shuffleof the iterable. Instead of shuffling the deck, it make all possible cases available and let you pick one. it.sample();// something between ['a','b', ... '9'] and ['9','8...
No more non-standard features, finally removed: Dict Object.{classof, isObject, define, make} Function#part Number#@@iterator String#{escapeHTML, unescapeHTML} delayAdd .sham flag to features which can't be properly polyfilled and / or not recommended for usage: Symbol constructor - we can...
$.inArray(element, array, [fromIndex]) ⇒ number 返回数组中指定元素的索引值(愚人码头注:以0为基数),如果没有找到该元素则返回-1。 愚人码头注:[fromIndex] 参数可选,表示从哪个索引值开始向后查找。 $.inArray("abc",["bcd","abc","edf","aaa"]);//=>1 $.inArray("abc",["bcd","abc...
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,返回-Infinity。...若value不为Numbertype则直接返回false。 Number.isNaN([value]),判断value值是否为Not-a-Number。 2.1K50 js中typeof与instance的区别 Y' 但 if (window instanceof Object) alert('Y');else alert('N'); 得'N' 所以,这里的 instanceof 测试的 object 是指...
If possible, avoid usinglanguageWorkers__node__argumentsin Azure because it can have a negative effect on cold start times. Rather than using pre-warmed workers, the runtime has to start a new worker from scratch with your custom arguments. ...