原因:video.js 在获取页面元素时使用的是querySelector方法,由于querySelector是按css规范来实现的,所以它传入的字符串中第一个字符不能是数字。 解决:元素Id在赋值时,第一个字符注意不是数字就可以了。 分享点滴知识,每天进步一点点。
正常展示,但是换成DOM元素 defaults.scrollElement=document.getElementById('scroll');defaults.articleElement=document.getElementById('content'); 报错: outline.js:57 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '[object HTMLDivElement]' is not a valid selector. at st.ren...
'XXX' is not a valid selector Because of this url-styled hashes (e.g. "#one/two" or "#main/secondary"), both valid ids in HTML5, cannot be passed directly from the to.hash or from.hash parameters. This is because behind the scenes document.querySelector, which relies on CSS ch...
For each function, an object is generated containing the factory functions of all dependencies of the function. This allows to just load a specific set of functions, and not load or bundle any other functionality. So for example, to just create functionaddyou can domath.create(addDependencies)...
You can define and mount a middlewarefunctionlocally.app.use(function(req,res,next){next()})Arouter is valid middleware.varrouter=express.Router()router.get('/',function(req,res,next){next()})app.use(router)An Express app is valid middleware.varsubApp=express()subApp.get('/',function(re...
Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': '>.weui-cell__bd' is not a valid selector. 本地尝试去掉>后可以解决报错,但滑动仍旧失效,通过前后打印log,发现去掉后,代码是可以生效的,可以获取selector,但滑动仍旧没有效果,监听器应该还是不工作的。 前后反复研究代码没有解决,猜测可能是开发者工具...
TypeError: this.$el.querySelectorAll is not a function at VueComponent.onColumnsChange (table.js?ad41:2475) at VueComponent.updated (table.js?ad41:2467) at invokeWithErrorHandling (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1854) at callHook (vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:4219) ...
This is not an issue for enterprise applications that run on fast networks. But if you need to create a small consumer-oriented website, you might be better off using the lightweight, easy-to-learn, and free jQuery library or one of a dozen other JavaScript frameworks that either improve ...
Please use it if you want to provide any ideas, fixes or contributions to this book.Finally, note that this book is still in a ‘draft release status’ with lots of content and fixes to be added.I can be contacted directly at dinis.cruz@owasp.org (note that sometimes I’m not very ...