Vue.js (Frontend & Backend)尝试前后端分离 前言 前端用什么框架都可以,这里选择小巧的vuejs。 要实现的功能很简单: 1、登录功能,成功将服务器返回的token存在本地 2、使用带token的header访问服务器的一个资源 本次实验环境: "dependencies":{"vue":"^2.2.1"},"devDependencies":{"babel-core":"^6.0.0"...
Vue.js (Frontend & Backend)尝试前后端分离 前言 前端用什么框架都可以,这里选择小巧的vuejs。 要实现的功能很简单: 1、登录功能,成功将服务器返回的token存在本地 2、使用带token的header访问服务器的一个资源 本次实验环境: "dependencies": { "vue": "^2.2.1" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-core":...
│ └── common.js │ └──...├─ frontend │ └── service │ └── frontend-custom.js │ └──...│ └── model │ └── frontend-custom.js │ └──...├─ backend │ └── service │ └── backend-custom.js │ └──...│ └── model │ └── backend-...
vue-feathers-chat A sample realtime chat made with Vue in frontend and Feathers in backend, but using just Socket.IO-Client for the communication vue-xplan A rotating earth demo page created with Vue and three.js vueSocketChatRoom A socket chat room using vue2.x,vuex2.x,vue-router2.x,...
Meteor.jsis a fullstack NodeJS framework built specifically for JavaScript which allows easy development of realtime features with its straightforward API. Key features: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) system:Meteor.js allows easy frontend and backend integration with its RPC API methods. ...
Is Node.js a back-end or front-end framework? Node.js, a runtime environment based on native JavaScript, is a versatile tool extensively used in both frontend and back-end web development. Its adaptability allows developers to address multiple development needs with a single technology. Companies...
antdv-pro - AntdvPro is a complete set of enterprise-level mid-backend front-end/design solutions based on Vue3, Vite4, ant-design-vue4, Pinia, UnoCSS and Typescript. vue3-quick-start - Building an engineered Vue 3 project, integrated with Vite + Vue3 + TypeScript + ESLint + Pretti...
A few months ago, I had to build a full-stack app having only front-end experience. This is an overview of backend tools and practices if you discover yourself in the same situation. I’m a front-end dev, but I need to write a full-stack app. What to do?# ...
将上面创建的 Egg.js 项目复制到admin-system目录下,重命名为backend。然后将前端模板项目复制到frontend文件夹中: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ git clone frontend 说明:vue-admin-template 是基于 Vue2.0 的管理系统模板,是一个非常优秀的项目,建议对 Vue.js...
使用VSCode打开根目录下的工作区文件gin-vue-admin.code-workspace,在边栏可以看到三个虚拟目录:backend、frontend、root。 2.4.2 运行/调试 在运行和调试中也可以看到三个task:Backend、Frontend、Both (Backend & Frontend)。运行Both (Backend & Frontend)可以同时启动前后端项目。