The $options: 'i' makes the search case-insensitive. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Apr 9 at 12:40 Robert 14111 silver badge1313 bronze badges Add a comment 0 The solution: { pregunta: { $regex: `(^|\\W)${md}(?=\\W|$)`, $options: "",...
Fixed matching in getElementsByClassName() to be ASCII case-insensitive, instead of using JavaScript's toLowerCase(). Improved some behaviors around navigating to fragments. (ForbesLindesay) Improved XMLHttpRequest and FileReader behavior, mainly around event handlers, abort(), and network errors. Imp...
isEqualCaseInsensitive(value1, value2) in utils.js can not process empty string I passed an empty in the unit test of util.js since there is no unit test for this functionSteps to reproducedescribe('#isEqualCaseInsensitive', () => { it('input null', () => { const input = null; ...
Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms: year (years, y), month (months, M), date (dates, D), hour (hours, h), minute (minutes, m), second (seconds, s), millisecond (milliseconds, ms).Set 2.2.1+ edit moment().set(String, Int); moment().set(Object(...
caseInsensitive?: boolean; nextState?: string; }) & { [key: string]: any; }; type HighlightRulesMap = Record<string, HighlightRule[]>; type KeywordMapper = (keyword: string) => string; interface HighlightRules { addRules(rules: HighlightRulesMap, prefix?: string): void;...
Argument names are case sensitive but values are case insensitive, argument values with spaces should be enclosed in quotes, apostrophes or backticks. Commands unite help Displays the help on the command line. unite version Displays the version of the app and the engine on the command line. ...
cludeJs(url,callback){void}Includesexternalscriptfromthesp ecifiedurl(usuallyaremotelocation)onthepageandexecutes thecallbackuponcompletion.将指定URL(通常是一个远程地址)上的脚本包括进这个page,完成后回调 。varwebPage=require(''webpage'');varpage=webPage.create();pag ...
One thing to note is that, while you can use camel-casing for your prop names, HTML attributes are case-insensitive, so you must covert your prop names to "kebab-case" (hyphen-separated) in your templates. Vue.component('button-component', { props: ['clickHandler'], template: 'Click...
21. </includes> 22. <excludes> 23. <exclude>**/**min.js</exclude> 24. </excludes> 25. <aggregations> 26. <aggregation> 27. <removeIncluded>true</removeIncluded> 28. <insertNewLine>true</insertNewLine> 29. ${}/${} 30. ${
The Content-Type is defaulted to application/json. This includes plain objects{ foo: 'bar' }and arrays['foo', 'bar']. response.get(field) Get a response header field value with case-insensitivefield. const etag = ctx.response.get('ETag'); ...