1、只需要面向对象编程, 不需要面向数据库编写代码: 对数据库的操作都转化成对类属性和方法的操作,不用编写各种数据库的sql语句 2、实现了数据模型与数据库的解耦,屏蔽了不同数据库操作的差异: 不在关注用的是mysql、oracle….等,通过简单的配置就可以轻松更换数据库,而不需要修改代码。 缺点 1、相比较直接使用...
comments (default: false)— pass true or "all" to preserve all comments, "some" to preserve multi-line comments that contain @cc_on, @license, or @preserve (case-insensitive), a regular expression string (e.g. /^!/), or a function which returns boolean, e.g. function(node, comment...
Hello! URIs are case insensitive (even if servers can handle them differently), so there's no reason to add an option to allow creating case sensitive routes to vue-router. It'll make things confusing and allow people to create routes that are wrong. Although schemes are case- insensitive,...
作用:define— 定义一个常量。语法:booldefine( string $name , mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive = false ] )。注意:如果设置为 TRUE,该常量则大小写不敏感。 大小写不敏感 大小写敏感 php 原创 TBHacker 2022-05-25 09:27:00 301阅读 ...
Document searches are case-insensitive (e.g. "search" will match "Search"). Document searches use substring matching (e.g. "na" and "me" will both match "name"). Parameters: query: Searchable query text This method will return an array of uids. ...
comments (default: false)— pass true or "all" to preserve all comments, "some" to preserve multi-line comments that contain @cc_on, @license, or @preserve (case-insensitive), a regular expression string (e.g. /^!/), or a function which returns boolean, e.g. function(node, comment...
Reads out a header that's already been queued but not sent to the client. Note that the name is case insensitive. This can only be called before headers get implicitly flushed. Example: varcontentType=response.getHeader('content-type'); ...
string: name of worksheet to parse (case insensitive) array of numbers and strings to select multiple worksheets. bookVBA merely exposes the raw VBA CFB object. It does not parse the data. XLSM and XLSB store the VBA CFB object in xl/vbaProject.bin. BIFF8 XLS mixes the VBA entries along...
`names` Include symbol names in the source map. `root` Path to the original source to be included in the source map. `url` If specified, path to the source map to append in `//# sourceMappingURL`. --timings Display operations run time on STDERR. ...
Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms: year (years, y), month (months, M), date (dates, D), hour (hours, h), minute (minutes, m), second (seconds, s), millisecond (milliseconds, ms).Set 2.2.1+ edit moment().set(String, Int); moment().set(Object(...