Advanced image processing and manipulation in JavaScript.image-js is a full-featured library that can deal with simple image processing (color leveling, grey image, mask, resize, rotation, etc.) as well as advanced processing on scientific images (Region of interest (ROI), Hull curve, minimal ...
lazysizes is an easy yet robust JS library used to delay the loading of images (iframes, scripts, etc) until they come into view, as well as loading the appropriate sources according to the breakpoints defined in the markup to fit any screen size. Designed for high-performance websites to...
When an image is first loaded on your website or mobile app, Cloudimage's resizing servers will download the origin image from the source, resize it for the client's screen size and deliver to your users through one or multiple Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). The generated image formats...
In addition, resize the image to make it even lighter. Below, these parameters are applied, resulting in a 25.66 KB AVIF file (in Chrome) instead of a 1.34 MB JPG with no visible change in quality. Node.js cloudinary 2.x cloudinary.image("pond_reflect.jpg", {transformation: [ {...
High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library. - lovell/sharp
function urltoImage (url...,fn){ var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img.onload = function(){ fn(img); } }; 2、 imagetoCanvas...= new Image(); img.onload = function() { fn(img); }; img.src = dataurl; }; 7、 dataURLtoFile...files[0]; fileResizetoFile(file,0.6...
absolute. Some elements, such as a textarea or image, don't support children. To overcome that, set wrap:true in your config and the element willbe wrapped for you automatically. Quick Example: var instance = new Y.Resize({ node: '#resize1', preserveRatio: true, wrap: true, maxHeight...
Lightweight: no need to install any image processing library.轻量级:无需安装任何图像处理库。Cross-platform: Released a compiled .node file on windows, just download and start.跨平台:Windows下发布了编译好的.node文件,下载就能用。Easy-to-use: Provide jQuery-like chaining API. Simple and reliable...
resize(width,height) //设置图像宽高,如果height未指定,则根据当前宽高等比缩放 .save(srcImg, { //保存当前图像至srcImg,图像质量100 quality : 100 }); }; /** * 图像缩放 * @param srcImg 源图像 * @param dstImg 生成图像 * @param size 生成图像宽度(高度会自适应缩放) */ var resizeImg =...
import {scale} from "@cloudinary/url-gen/actions/resize"; // Create and configure your Cloudinary instance. const cld = new Cloudinary({ cloud: { cloudName: 'demo' } }); // Use the image with public ID, 'bike'. const myImage = cld.image('bike'); // Scale the image to a width...