s += " 屏幕可用工作区高度:"+ window.screen.availHeight; s += " 屏幕可用工作区宽度:"+ window.screen.availWidth; s += " 你的屏幕设置是 "+ window.screen.colorDepth +" 位彩色"; s += " 你的屏幕设置 "+ window.screen.deviceXDPI +" 像素/英寸"; //alert (s); } getInfo(); 在IE...
window.screen.availWidth 返回当前屏幕宽度(空白空间) window.screen.availHeight 返回当前屏幕高度(空白空间) window.screen.width 返回当前屏幕宽度(分辨率值) window.screen.height 返回当前屏幕高度(分辨率值) window.document.body.offsetHeight; 返回当前网页高度 window.document.body.offsetWidth; 返回当前网页宽度...
functiongetScrollHeight(){returnMath.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight);}/// 在IE中: document.body.clientWidth ==> BODY对象宽度 document.body.clientHeight ==> BODY对象高度 document.documentElement.clientWidth ==> 可见区域宽度 document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> ...
function getInfo() { var s = ""; s += " 网页可见区域宽:"+ document.body.clientWidth; s += " 网页可见区域高:"+ document.body.clientHeight; s += " 网页可见区域宽:"+ document.body.offsetWidth + " (包括边线和滚动条的宽)"; s += " 网页可见区域高:"+ document.body.offsetHeight +...
|| document.body.clientWidth; var height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; 具体环境中的参考代码: var mao = document.getElementById("hsnav"); // container属性同元素ID var w = mao.offsetWidth; // 返回元素的总宽度 //console...
const Component = () => { const { height, width } = useWindowDimensions(); return ( width: {width} ~ height: {height} ); } Working example Original answer It's the same in React, you can use window.innerHeight to get the current viewport's height. As you can see here Share...
window.screen.availWidth 屏幕可用宽度; window.screen.height 屏幕总高度 = availHeight + 下方任务栏; window.screen.width 屏幕总宽度 = availWidth + 右方任务栏(如果存在)。 1. 2. 3. 4. 窗口(浏览器) window.screenLeft & window.screenX 浏览器左边框到屏幕左侧的水平距离; ...
But am getting an error:event.height() is not a function How do I determine the height scrolled? You need to find the scrollTop, not the offsetHeight only. Get scroll position and direction with vanilla JS mounted(){this.setUpRoutes();window.addEventListener('scroll',this.handleScroll); ...
滚动条滚动高度$(this).scrollTop()、窗口高度$(window).height()、文档高度$(document).height(),在进行JS编程用到它们的时候,可能还不是完全了解它们的含义,导致在判断它们的关系时不能完全正确。 一图读懂三者关系 本文将用一图,便可以让你完全理解$(this).scrollTop()、$(window).height()与$(document)...
/ 缩放图片 public static Bitmap zoomImg(String img, int newWidth ,int newHeight){ // 图片源 Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile...catch (IOException e) { // TODO A...