Access-Control-Allow-Methods — 添加到预检响应中以指示允许的 HTTP 方法,例如 GET 、 POST 、 PUT 等。 Access-Control-Allow-Headers — 返回以响应预检请求,以指定当前请求中允许的 HTTP 标头 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials — 指示浏览器是否应在跨域请求中包含 cookie 或 HTTP 身份验证等凭据 CORS allows...
/execjs :传递jscode给浏览器执行 (get | post) /page/cookie :直接获取当前页面的cookie (get) /page/html :获取当前页面的html (get) 说明:接口用?group分组 如 "ws://{}" 以及可选参数 clientId clientId说明:以group分组后,如果有注册相同group的 可以传入这个id来区分客户...
get:function(name){varcookieName = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=", cookieStart=document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName), cookieValue=null, cookieEnd;if(cookieStart > -1){ cookieEnd= document.cookie.indexOf(";", cookieStart);if(cookieEnd == -1){ cookieEnd=document.cookie.length; } cookieValu...
msg,app,cb){varchatServers=app.getServersByType('chat');if(!chatServers||chatServers.length===0){cb(newError('can not find chat servers.'));return;}varres=dispatcher.dispatch(session.get('rid'),chatServers);cb(null,;};
前言&介绍 Pomelo:一个快速、可扩展、Node.js分布式游戏服务器框架 从三四年前接触Node.js开始就接触到了Pomelo,从Pomelo最初的版本到现在,总的来说网易出品还算不错,但是发展不算快;用它做过一些项目和小游戏表现还不错。 用它的主要好处: 1. 入门简单,有比较
If you want to use tough-cookie's utilities and classes yourself, you can use the jsdom.toughCookie module export to get access to the tough-cookie module instance packaged with jsdom. Intervening before parsing jsdom allows you to intervene in the creation of a jsdom very early: after ...
import { browser } from '$app/environment' import { getCookie, setCookie } from 'helper-functions/src/cookies' // simply wrapped calls to document.cookie import { get, writable } from 'svelte/store' import translations from './translations' export const locale = writable(browser ? getCookie...
("/**") // 允许跨域访问的路径 .allowedOrigins("*") // 允许跨域访问的源 .allowedMethods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS") // 允许跨域访问的请求方法 .allowedHeaders("*") // 允许的请求头字段 .allowCredentials(true) // 允许后续请求携带验证信息(cookie) .maxAge(16800); //...
document.cookie is always blank document.forms[0].action and submit document.forms[0].action not working document.getElementById document.getElementById keeps coming up as "undefined" Document.getElementById returning null in IE browser but working fine in Edge and firefox document.getElementById ...
Microsoft Entra ID enables SSO by setting a session cookie when a user authenticates for the first time. MSAL.js also caches the ID tokens and access tokens of the user in the browser storage per application domain. The two mechanisms, Microsoft Entra session cookie and Microsoft Authentication...