npm install --save decimal.js//安装import Decimal from "decimal.js"//具体文件中引入 加 let a = 1let b= 6//a 与 b 可以是 任何类型,Decimal 内部会自己处理兼容//下面两种都可以 可以带 new 也不可以不带 newlet res =newDecimal(a).add(newDecimal(b)) let res= Decimal(a).add(Decimal(b...
// +一边是number 一边是字符串 // JS语言规定:运算符两边的操作数的数据类型要一致 // 如果不一致,会发生隐式类型转化 // 一边的数据类型会转化成另一边的数据类型 // 就会把number的110转化成string的110,只有转化完后,才能保证两侧的数据类型一致 var str3 = str1 + str2; // 会发生隐式类型转化 co...
API: Used by: 6500 + decimal.js的特点就是处理整数和浮点数,还处理十六进制、二进制和八进制值。 1、安装和引用 JavaScript // NodeJS npm install -save decimal.jsconst Decimal = require("decimal.js");// ES6 module// import Decimal from "decimal.js";imp...
replace(reg,'$1'); num = toDecimal2(num) return num }; 元转分 - 解决精度问题 yuan:要转换的钱,单位元; digit:转换倍数 export const regYuanToFen = (yuan:number,digit:number) =>{ var m=0, s1=yuan.toString(), s2=digit.toString(); try{m+=s1.split(".")[1].length}catch(e){...
Volume 29 Number 12 Long Le Microsoft .NET developers typically build great apps using JavaScript on the client side and ASP.NET (C# or Visual Basic .NET) on the server side. But what if you could use one common language to build apps on all layers of...
result < 0: n is greater than actual number result > 0: n is smaller than actual number result = 0: n is equal to the actual number boolean divisible(n)Check if two numbers are divisible (n divides this)double valueOf()Returns a decimal representation of the fraction...
will automatically supportMyDecimaltoo. This also works the other way around: if you don't need the heavyweightmultiply(which supports BigNumbers, matrices, etc), and you just need a plain and simple number support, you can use a lightweight implementation ofmultiplyjust for numbers, and inject...
decimal The value must be a decimal number textLength The value may be text but the length is controlled custom A custom formula controls the valid values For types other than list or custom, the following operators affect the validation: OperatorDescription between Values must lie between formula...
decimal The value must be a decimal number textLength The value may be text but the length is controlled custom A custom formula controls the valid values For types other than list or custom, the following operators affect the validation: OperatorDescription between Values must lie between formula...
72### getValue() 73Returns the string value of the decimal. 74```javascript 75console.log(n2.getValue()); // "12345.6789" 76``` 77 78### getPrettyValue(number, digits, separator) 79By default this returns the number in standard number format, comma after every three digts. Both ar...