JSDOM.fromFile("stuff.html", options).then(dom => { console.log(dom.serialize()); }); The returned promise will fulfill with a JSDOM instance if the given file can be opened. As usual in Node.js APIs, the filename is given relative to the current working directory. The options pro...
vue-prom - Vue promise wrapper component. vue-identify-network - ⚡️Identify what kinda internet your users are using! vue-highlight-words - Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text. Ported from react-highlight-words vue-command - A fully working Vue.js terminal em...
通过Promise的构造函数可以知道:Promise()接收两个函数作为参数,resovle和reject。 resolve(): 将状态从pending变成fulfilled,在执行成功时调用,将结果作为参数传递出去; 如果传入的参数是绑定的Promise对象,则会抛出错误TypeError; 如果传入的参数是另一个promise实例,那么传入实例状态决定当前实例状态。 reject():将状态从...
functionimgLoad(url){// Create new promise with the Promise() constructor;// This has as its argument a function// with two parameters, resolve and rejectreturnnewPromise(function(resolve,reject){// Standard XHR to load an imagevarrequest=newXMLHttpRequest();request.open('GET',url);request....
import axios from"axios"; exportdefault{ name:"promise", data() {return{}; }, created() {}, mounted() {}, methods: { async testAwait() { awaitthis.ajax1(); awaitthis.ajax2(); }, testPromise() {this.ajax3().then(res =>{ console.log...
json()Promise<unknown> text()Promise<string> Note The body functions can be run only once; subsequent calls will resolve with empty strings/ArrayBuffers. HTTP Response The response can be set in several ways: As a simple interface with typeHttpResponseInit:This option is the most concise way...
import axios from 'axios' // 定义一个函数,用于发送请求 function fetchData() { // 返回一个Promise对象 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 发送请求 axios.get('/api/data') .then(response => { // 请求成功,调用resolve方法并传入响应数据 ...
{ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = []; readableStream.on("data", (data) => { chunks.push(data.toString()); }); readableStream.on("end", () => { resolve(chunks.join("")); }); readableStream.on("error", reject); }); } const fs = require('fs');...
Make http requests from node.js Supports the Promise API Intercept request and response Transform request and response data Cancel requests Automatic transforms for JSON data 🆕 Automatic data object serialization to multipart/form-data and x-www-form-urlencoded body encodings Client side support for...
async function getBlob(formatID): a function you call to get a file in one of the supported formats. It takes a formatID and returns a Promise that resolves with a Blob representing the file contents to save. function savedCallbackUnreliable({ newFileName, newFileFormatID, newFileHandle, ...