...分析:我理解的流程是这样:程序--->意大利语编码(转换表codepage)--->解释成unicode识别的编码(通过指定的转换表将非 Unicode 的字符编码转换为同一字符对应的系统内部使用的...这样理解简单些,其实中间还要转换成同一字符对应的系统内部使用的 Unicode编码,然后通过系统底层unicode编码还原成相应字符显示出来。 1.4...
复制 /** * @获取字符串字节长度 * @param {String} str * @returns */functiongetStrLen(str){letlen=0;for(leti=0;i<str.length;i++){letcurrLen=str.charCodeAt(i);if(currLen>=0&&currLen<=128){len+=1;}else{len+=2;}}returnlen;}/** * @截取指定长度的字符串,超出部分显示指定字符 *...
code 是一个字符串,selectChar 是一个数组。里面的值是2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','J','K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'charIndex 这个是0~31的随机数,通过循环把数组里的随机下标charIndex...
var barcode = document.getElementById('barcode'), //str = "chenyanbin", options = { format: "CODE128", displayValue: true, fontSize: 18, height: 100 }; JsBarcode(barcode, content, options); //原生JS方式 // $('#barcode').JsBarcode(string, options); //jQuery方式 ...
keycode35=End keycode36=Home keycode37=Left Arrow keycode38=Up Arrow keycode39=Right Arrow keycode40=Down Arrow keycode41=Select keycode42=Print keycode43=Execute keycode45=Insert keycode46=Delete keycode47=Help keycode48=0) keycode49=1!keycode50=2@ ...
== 'string') return false; code = code.substring(128); var buff = new Buffer(code, 'base64'); var iv = buff.slice(0, 16); var encyptedText = buff.slice(16).toString('base64'); var _hkdf = new hkdf('sha512', null, secret); var derive_key = _hkdf.derive('encryption', ...
Your C++ code has reversed the first 4 bytes. Reversed the next two pairs of bytes and broken the last 6-byte group completely. A Guid in binary format consists of: 4-byte integer 2-byte integer 2-byte integer 8-byte array It does not consist of: ...
function hook_js(){ Java.perform(function(){ var enrandomcode = Java.use("com.kanxue.algorithmbase.MainActivity") //如果定义好了 if(enrandomcode !=undefined) { console.log("开始JAVA层Hook"); enrandomcode.encodeFromJni_12.implementation = function(intput){ var res = this.encodeFromJni_...
(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { if (p !== nmLen) paths.push(from.slice(0, last) + '/node_modules'); last = i; p = 0; } else if (p !== -1) { if (nmChars[p] === code) { ++p; } else { p = -1; } } } // Append /node_modules to handle root ...