If you wish to drop a specific function call such as console.info and/or retain side effects from function arguments after dropping the function call then use pure_funcs instead. drop_debugger (default: true)— remove debugger; statements evaluate (default: true)— Evaluate expression for ...
This records both information directly sent from the page, via scripts executing inside the document, as well as information from the jsdom implementation itself. We call the user-controllable console a "virtual console", to distinguish it from the Node.js console API and from the inside-the-...
function(data){console.log(this)// Person {// _events:// [Object: null prototype] { play: [[Function], [Function]] },// _eventsCount: 1,// _maxListeners: undefined// }console.log(`play`)})// 监听play事件mrNull.on('play'
The lane itself will be a box, laid on the floor I just created: JavaScriptCopy functioncreateLane(scene){varlane = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("lane",1, scene,false); lane.scaling =newBABYLON.Vector3( laneWidth, laneHeight, totalLaneLength); lane.position.y = laneHeight /2;// New position...
Type:boolean|function Controls how clicking on the player/tech operates. If set tofalse, clicking is disabled and will no longer cause the player to toggle between paused and playing. If controls are disabled withcontrols: false, this will not call the handler function. ...
The createObject and createObjectEx embedding functions call the isInstalled function to determine whether a requested version of Silverlight has been installed. The return value determines whether the embedding functions will generate an HTML object element or alternative HTML that prompts the user to ins...
The third argument is a 'ready' callback. Once Video.js has initialized it will call this function. Instead of using an element ID, you can also pass a reference to the element itself. videojs(document.getElementById('example_video_1'), {},function(){// This is functionally the same...
Then create a onto which xterm can attach itself. Finally, instantiate the Terminal object and then call the open function with the DOM object of the div. <!doctype html> var term = new Terminal(); term.open(document.getElementById('terminal')); term.write('Hello from \x1...
122 - The `this` variable is no longer bound to the typed function itself. 123 - The properties `typed.types`, `typed.conversions`, and `typed.ignore` 124 have been removed. 125 - There are new static functions available like `typed.referTo`, 126 `typed.referToSelf`, `typed.addTy...
// src/core/context/js_app_context.cppjerry_value_t JsAppContext::Render(jerry_value_t viewModel)const{// ATTR_RENDER 即 vm.$render 方法jerry_value_t renderFunction=jerryx_get_property_str(viewModel,ATTR_RENDER);jerry_value_t nativeElement=CallJSFunction(renderFunction,viewModel,nullptr,0);re...