2. for...of statement (1) Use for...in to loop through an ordinary object The for...of statement is mainly used to loop over the properties of an iterable object. To be an iterable object, an object must implement the@@iteratormethod, which means that the object (or an object on ...
for for...in for...of(ES6 IE不支持) while do...while for each...in[2] (已废弃,不述) for await...in[3](异步,暂不述) ▉while[4] 语法: while (condition) statement 条件为真时执行语句,如此往复,直到条件为假。 多行语句可以用大括号包裹。 ▉do...while[5] 语法: do statementwhile...
You need to write a loop statement within the function that loopsntimes. Each time through the loop it will add one*tostr, alternating on which side it is padded: the first time will add a*to the left side ofstr, the second time will add a*to the right side, and so on. Finally,...
500); }; for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { _loop(i); } 我们
1、Loop……end Loop语句 标准格式: LOOP statement_list--循环代码块 IF exit_condition THEN EXIT;--满足IF条件 退出循环...END IF; END LOOP; --从1开始打印,当i=10退出循环。...--标准格式: While loop 要执行的语句; end loop; --我的理解就是while控制loop……end loop循环语句的结束。...: ...
使用语法:for (initialization; expression; post-loop-expression) statement for 语句也是一种前测试循环语句,但它具有在执行循环之前初始化变量和定义循环后要执行的代码的能力。 请看下面的例子。我们同样想要求从0到10的数字做一个累加,我们将输出45;
The for...in statement is used to loop (iterate) through the elements of an array or through the properties of an object. 循环对象的所有属性: 循环数组的所有元素:
log("for loop"); i ++; } do while 语句 语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 do {}while(表达式); 示例 代码语言:javascript 复制 // for, while是先判断后执行,do{} while(); 先执行, 再判断是否继续执行循环 i = 0; do { i ++; console.log(i); }while(i < 10); 循环控制语句 continue 终止...
(such as a switch/case statement), there might be cleaner ways to handle this situation, such as using custom tags. JsRender supports custom tags for complex logic, helper functions, navigating up the object graph using paths, customer converter functions, allowing JavaScript code ...
What's the reason for explicitly disallowing type annotations here? I'm curious as to why variable declarations in other contexts are okay to annotate but loop ones aren't, unless you move the declaration outside of the statement itself. I guess it just felt like it should "just work" be...