functionremoveAllChild(){vardiv=document.getElementById("div1");while(div.hasChildNodes())//当div下还存在子节点时 循环继续{div.removeChild(div.firstChild);}} 原理很简单,就是不断的判断要清空的div还有没有子节点,有的话就删除一个子节点(这里是它的首个子节点),直到删除完毕为止。 封装的方法: 代...
// 假设你的div有一个id为'myDiv' var div = document.getElementById('myDiv'); div.innerHTML = ""; 方法二:使用 removeChild() 这种方法涉及循环遍历所有子节点并逐个删除它们。 代码语言:txt 复制 var div = document.getElementById('myDiv'); while (div.firstChild) { div.removeChild(div.first...
新插入的节点 12345varG =function( id ){returndocument.getElementById( id ) };6varGG =function( id, tag ){returnG(id).getElementsByTagName(tag) };7varoTxt = G( "txt"),8oBox = G( "box"),9oAdd = G( "add")10aLi = GG( 'box', 'li');11oAdd.onclick =function(){12varoL...
But for the special case of a fragment containing a single element, it's pretty easy to do through normal means: const frag = JSDOM.fragment(`Hello`); console.log(frag.firstChild.outerHTML); // logs "Hello" Other noteworthy features Canvas support jsdom includes support for using the...
3:firstElementChild||lastElementChild 返回第一个||最后一个元素节点 4:nextElementSibling||perviousElementSibling 下一个||上一个兄弟元素节点 就不多说了都应该明白了 我们只需要注意上面方法除了Children方法,ie9和ie9以下的都不兼容。。。 节点的四属性 ...
OrbitControls and TrackballControls do not support document as an argument for domElement anymore. Please use the canvas element of the renderer (renderer.domElement) instead. Audio.startTime has been removed. Please use delay ) instead. When loading a DataTexture via DataTextureLoader,...
与getElementById()和getElementsByTagName()方法不同,querySelector()和querySelectorAll()方法得到的结果是非动态实时的 <ulid="list">第一个第二个varlist =document.getElementById('list')varlastOne = list.querySelector('li:last-child')varall = list.querySelectorAll('li')console.log(
In this case, we are finding the child element of a donate panel. If you need to find the parents of the component, use up(). Tip Because the MVC paradigm splits the code into separate layers, you can unit-test them separately—for example, test your controllers separately from the...