// object:用于创建 URL 的 File 对象、Blob 对象 const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(object) 4. ArrayBuffer → Blob#const blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length)]) 5. ArrayBuffer → base64#const base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer...
/// <summary> /// base64转换为图片并保存在指定目录中 /// </summary> /// <param name="strbase64">64Base码</param> /// <returns></returns> public static void Base64ToImage(string strbase64) { var encodedImage = strbase64.Split(',')[1]; var decodedImage = Convert.Fr...
// object:用于创建 URL 的 File 对象、Blob 对象 const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(object) 4. ArrayBuffer → Blob#const blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length)]) 5. ArrayBuffer → base64#const base64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer...
防止广告进群,添加微信,输入以下代码执行结果(请勿转码为string) str := "5Yqg5YWlR1ZB5Lqk5rWB576k" decodeBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(str) fmt.Println(decodeBytes, err) 关于我们 8. 贡献者 感谢您对gin-vue-admin的贡献! 9. 捐赠 如果你觉得这个项目对你有帮助,你可以请作者喝...
From an UTF-16LE/BE string, compute the size of the UTF-32 equivalent string (equivalent to UTF-16 character counting), UTF-8 and UTF-16LE/BE character counting, UTF-16 endianness change (UTF16-LE/BE to UTF-16-BE/LE), WHATWG forgiving-base64 (with or without URL encoding) to binar...
(SDK for Node.js) Object Download (SDK for Node.js) Overview (SDK for Node.js) Downloading an Object - Text-Based (SDK for Node.js) Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Node.js) Downloading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Node.js) Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK ...
以下是一个使用JavaScript进行Base64编码和解码的示例,确保使用UTF-8字符集: 代码语言:txt 复制 // 编码 function utf8ToBase64(str) { return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) { return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1); })); } // 解码 function...
download(data, strFileName, strMimeType); Included via AMD require(['path/to/file'], function(download) { download(data, strFileName, strMimeType); }); ### Parameters data- The Blob, File, String, or dataURL containing the soon-to-be File's contents. ...
(1)readAsBinaryString(Blob|File):返回二进制字符串,该字符串每个字节包含一个0到255之间的整数。 (2)readAsText(Blob|File, opt_encoding):返回文本字符串。默认情况下,文本编码格式是’UTF-8’,可以通过可选的格式参数,指定其他编码格式的文本。 (3)readAsDataURL(Blob|File):返回一个基于Base64编码的data-uri...
filename:可选参数,保存的文件名,默认 时间戳format:可选参数,截图的格式,可选png或jpeg或者webp,默认 pngquality:可选参数,当格式是jpeg或者webp时,压缩质量,取值0~1,默认0.92type:可选参数,可选download或者base64或者blob,默认download 1. 2. 3.