function formatDate(date) { var d = new Date(date), month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getDate(), year = d.getFullYear(); if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month; if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day; return [year, month, day].join('-');...
setTimeout(function() { //如果是更新简单数据类型(string, boolean, number)或Date类型 = "这是字符串" model.bbb = true model.ccc = 999999999999 var date = new Date model.time = new Date(date.setFullYear(2005)) }, 2000) setTimeout(function() { //如果是数组,注意保证它们的元素...
🇨🇳 select one day or range of date and custom it that you wish. Select vue-select - A native Vue.js component that provides similar functionality to Select2 without the overhead of jQuery. vue-multiselect - Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js. stf-vue-select - ... - creates a GitHub Release, auto-incrementing a .N suffix on the year/month/day date format if no exact version given - checks the given PAT token can access the given GitHub repo. Useful to test a PAT token used for integrations like ...
vue-functional-calendar - Lightweight, high performance calendar component(Date Picker, Date Range) based on Vue. vue-cal - A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS. 🤘. vue-material-year-calendar - A full year (12 months on a page) calendar for Vue2. Uses dayjs. vuelendar -...
日期(Date): ISO8601 标准定义的通用日期格式YYYY-MM[-DDTHH:mm:ss]. 月份后面的内容都是可选的。 时间段(Duration): 时间段的格式为 <unit>, 就像6 hours或者4 minutes。支持常见的英文缩写如6hrs或者2m。 链接(Link): 普通的Obsidian 链接如[[Page]]或者[[Page|Page Display]]。 列表(List...
javascript-time-ago— An international human-readable past or future date formatter. Example: "2 days ago". react-time-ago— A React component for international human-readable formatting of past or future dates. Example: "2 days ago". read-excel-file— A simple and easy-to-use *.xlsx fil...
On the one hand it is heart-warming to see Internet Explorer finally be dropped from support, and on the other hand we recognize the necessity of letting go of tools that have outlived their usefulness. Finally we'll note that the predicted release date for Bootstrap v5 is "late spring ...
animateplus bendc/frontend-guidelines bendc/sprint bendingspoons/katana-swift bendrucker/builtin-status-codes bendrucker/postgres-array bendrucker/postgres-date bendrucker/postgres-interval bendytree/objective-c-regex-categories benedekrozemberczki/awesome-graph-classification benedmunds/codeigniter-ion-auth ...
Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00) where: YYYY=four-digit year MM=two-digit month(01=January,etc.)DD=two-digit day of month(01through31)hh=two digits of hour(00through23)(am/...