一点笔记 关于JS判断: if (!(isString(number) || isNumber(number)) || isNaN(number)) return '';
* isInChinese 检查是否包含汉字 * isEmail 简单的email检查 * isDate 简单的日期检查,成功返回日期对象 * isInList 检查是否有列表中的字符字符 * isInList 检查是否有列表中的字符字符 */ /*** 删除首尾空格 ***/ String.prototype.Trim = function() { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "...
JS判断重复数组是否有重复项 大家好,今天我们来讲一下,如何使用javascript判断一个数组之中,是否有相同重复的元素。 在讲之前,先来讲一下思路: 在现实当中,当我们要判断某几个东西是否相同,那就意味着这东西至少是有2个或更多, 否则单个东西是没法比较的。 数组也是一样,要判断一个数组中是否有重复的元素, 最...
Looking for help? Check out the instructions for getting support.Release typesCurrent: Under active development. Code for the Current release is in the branch for its major version number (for example, v22.x). Node.js releases a new major version every 6 months, allowing for breaking changes...
varstrings='';if(string.length==0){alert('不能为空');} 但如果用户输入的是空格,制表符,换页符呢?这样的话,也是不为空的,但是这样的数据就不是我们想要的吧。 其实可以用正则表达式来把这些“空”的符号去掉来判断的 代码如下: 代码语言:javascript ...
Supports filtering of multiple data types, including string, number, dropdown, cascade, region, date, and time. @kolirt/vue-web3-auth - 💎 Web3 authentication for Vue3 apps based on WalletConnect v2 and wagmi zoom-image - A little yet powerful framework agnostic library to zoom image on...
wx.checkJsApi({ jsApiList: ['chooseImage'], // 需要检测的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2, success: function(res) { // 以键值对的形式返回,可用的api值true,不可用为false // 如:{"checkResult":{"chooseImage":true},"errMsg":"checkJsApi:ok"} } }); 备注:checkJsApi接口是客户端6.0....
Type:string|number Sets the display width of the video player in pixels. Video.js-specific Options Each option isundefinedby default unless otherwise specified. aspectRatio Type:string Puts the player influidmode and the value is used when calculating the dynamic size of the player. The value sh...
2014-04-07 17:22 −js判断是否是数字 第一种方法 isNaN isNaN 返回一个 Boolean 值,指明提供的值是否是保留值 NaN (不是数字)。 NaN 即 Not a Number isNaN(numValue) 但是如果numValue果是一个空串或是一个空格,而isNaN是做为数字0进行处理... ...
Bootstrap Icons is an open source SVG icon library featuring over 1,800 glyphs, with more added every release. They're designed to work in any project, whether you use Bootstrap itself or not. Use them as SVGs or icon fonts—both options give you vector scaling and easy customization via...